Okeanus Leading The Worldwide Sector Of Offshore Rental Equipment Service

Okeanus offers onshore and offshore rental equipment worldwide and has become the number one leader. This all has achieved because of their commitment to work, assurance to quality service and safety in renting the equipment. The Okeanus's offshore rental equipment service is actively upgraded because of the active interaction between the clients need and the expert's team who cater them the exact required offshore rental equipment for running their project. Okeanus engineers understand the customer's needs and accordingly improve their working and designing process by strictly keeping up with the new regulations being introduced by the borde members. When it comes to offshore rental equipment service Okeanus are the best in the industry and one gets a complete assurance for all the quality control procedure which need to be followed. Aligning all your projects with Okeanus helps in completing all your offshore logistics projects without any hassle.

The largest portfolio for offshore rental equipment service

Okeanus has the largest and most remarkable portfolio for offshore rental equipment service. Their fleet includes items like Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, ROV's, Lights, Cameras, Winches, Acoustic releases, and many other items are included in the list to support your onshore and offshore logistic requirements. In order to maintain the safety standards, Okeanus has inspected and tested all offshore rental equipment in detail. The most popular offshore rental equipment catered by Okeanus is Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler plays a crucial role in measuring the continuous flow of water at a fixed point. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler is an instrument that is commonly used for collecting velocity data at the sea surface. The entire principle of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler runs by sending acoustic pulses from their transducer into the water column where they get equal and opposite reaction by the particles and the exact is recorded and measured by the transducer face. Scientifically it is termed as Doppler effect where the time of returning signal from the depth is affected by the Doppler effect. Currently, in the market there are two types of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler in the market one is a horizontal Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler which is mounted on the bank of the waterway to measure the velocity of the horizontal currents flowing in the river. The other one is a bottom mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler which is placed on the bed of the waterway to measure the velocity of the vertical slice of the river.

Why choose Okeanus

What differentiates Okeanus from others is its differential characteristics which always stand out the very first one is quick responsiveness to the customers. Secondly, a mobile team is always allocated at the time of emergency and a routine maintenance cycle. In addition to this, the most differential characteristics are its largest portfolio for offshore rental equipment. Okeanus also has star's to add to its portfolio that is the online certificates, and fleet tracking has made it the most eligible competitor in the industry.