
The OC-DDC 2023 takes place at the University of Hannover, Appelstraße 4, Building 3703, Room 27.

Thursday, June 29

12:30 Check-In
12:45 Sven Tomforde, Christian Krupitzer: Welcome

Session 1
13:00 Elia Henrichs: Towards Adaptive Intelligent Packaging for Real-time Monitoring of Food Quality
13:25 Nils-Holger Kaul: Reducing the Need of Hand-crafted Labels for Agricultural Image Recognition: A Self-Supervised Learning Approach
13:50 Ahmet Saltik: Increasing Efficiency of Deep Learning based Weed Detection

14:15 Coffee Break

Session 2
14:45 Marco Steinberger: Reinforcement Learning: Application Areas with Research Potential
15:10 Andreas Hubert: Scene Understanding at Manual Assembly Cells
15:35 Michael Heider: Towards Self-Explaining Assistance Systems in Tomorrow’s Factories

16:00 Coffee Break

Session 3
16:30 Emilie Frost: Communication Robustness in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems based on Controlled Self-Organisation
16:55 Till Aust: Forecasting and Classification of Physiological Data in Biological Systems

17:20 Break

Session 4
17:30 Wenzel Pilar von Pilchau: SCHNITZEL: SCHematizing Next-level Interpolation Targeting small siZe Exploration Learning
17:55 Henning Cui: Select Cartesian Genetic Programming! - A crossover into its new mutated potential

18:20 Sven Tomforde, Christian Krupitzer: Closing Day 1

Social Event
19:30 Dinner @Treibhaus (Ferdinand-Wallbrecht-Straße 14, 30163 Hannover,

Friday, June 30

Session 5
9:30 Timotheus Kisselbach: Redundancy and Self-Healing Towards an Organic Computing Automotive Environment
9:55 Hannes Reichert: Sensor Equivariance for Active Road User Safety
10:20 Diego Botache: Machine Learning Supported Optimisation and Experimental Evaluation of Electrical Motors for Cars in Urban Environments

10:45 Coffee Break

Session 6
11:15 Lukas Meitz: Towards Unsupervised Predictive Maintenance for Cyber Physical Systems
11:40 Md Faisal Kabir: A Deep Learning Approach for the Classification of Highly Heterogeneous Data in the Context of Treatment of Medical Emergencies
12:05 Michel Spils: Combining flood forecasts through reinforcement learning

12:30 Lunch

Session 7
13:00 Jens Decke: An Organic Computing Approach for Intelligent Design Optimization
13:25 Victor Gerling: Cross-Layer Learning in IoT Networks
13:50 Connor Schönberger: Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Classifier System

14:15 Closing Session
14:45 End