OCAMI-CAIT seminar

OCAMI is Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute of Osaka Metropolitan University.


CAIT means commutative algebra and invariant theory.

We organize the following in-person seminar.

OCAMI (大阪公立大学数学研究所) との共催にて下記セミナーを行います。


OCAMI 可換環論・不変式論セミナー III

OCAMI Commutative Algebra and Invariant Theory Seminar III (OCAMI-CAIT Seminar III)


日時 令和6年1月12日(金)13:30-17:00

場所 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス 理学部E棟4階 E408 教室(大講究室)


13:30  – 15:00 Hoang Le Truong (Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)

On the Complexity of Cubic Hypersurfaces

15:30 – 17:00 早坂太 (岡山大学・環境生命)

On a question of Ratliff on the associated primes of powers of an ideal

17:30 ~ 懇親会 (野の花ハウス)



  In this talk, we establish the Buchweitz-Greuel-Schreyer Conjecture for cubic hypersurfaces of small Ulrich complexity.


It is known that the sequence of the associated primes of powers of an ideal eventually stabilizes. On the other hand, the initial part of the sequence does not necessarily behave well. In this talk, we will discuss a classical question of Ratliff on this initial behavior. In the first half, we will talk about the known results on this question, especially a classical example of Brodmann and a recent result of Ha-Ngyuen-Trung-Trung which settled the question affirmatively. In the second half, we will consider what problems remain and give a new example to the Ratliff's question in a special case. This is joint work with Haruto Imamura.



  ☆懇親会を 17:30から、理学部棟から徒歩1分のイタリアン・レストランの野の花ハウスで行います。懇親会参加ご希望の方は1月4日(木)までに橋本光靖 mh7@omu.ac.jp までご連絡ください。アレルギー、苦手な食べ物のある方はお申し込みの際にお伝えください。

☆会場の大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス理学部棟 (E・F棟) へのアクセスは

