Japanese Obsidian Database

with Selected Global Data

Created by Obsidian XRF laboratories at Meiji University and Nagasaki University

Dr. Yoshimitsu Suda

Biography: Dr. Yoshimitsu Suda is a geologist specializing in geological and archaeological obsidian studies. He earned his PhD, MS, and BS in Geology from Hiroshima University, Japan. Dr. Suda is an Associate Professor at Nagasaki University, having previously held an Assistant Professor role at the Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies (COLS) at Meiji University. His research focuses on WDXRF, EDXRF and pXRF analyses for provenance studies of archaeological obsidian.

Office: Room 413, Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyomachi, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan

Major Publication List: 

Whole-rock analysis by WDXRF at Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University

Since September 2011, the COLS has operated the Rigaku ZSZ primus III+ system for obsidian analysis. This system is specialized for obsidian analysis and can perform quantitative analyses of major and trace elements, including Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, and Th, using the fusion bead method.

Quantitative analysis by EDXRF at Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University

Since March 2023, we have installed and operated the Rigaku NEX DE EDXRF system for obsidian analysis. This system allows for the quantitative analysis of geological and archaeological obsidian using the Calibration Curve Method. The analytical elements include Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Na, K, P, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, and Th. Several obsidian chips, whose compositions were determined using WDXRF, are used as standards.

The International Obsidian Conference (IOC) is a leading global platform for archaeologists, geologists, and chemists to advance obsidian studies. Managed by a 12-member scientific committee, the IOC meets every three years, featuring lectures and a field trip to an obsidian source. This conference fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and drives global research in obsidian exploration. See the IOC Engaru 2023 website for details of the IOC.

Copyrightc 2020 Dr. Yoshimitsu Suda, All Rights Reserved.