Peer Leaders

The Oak Hill Peer Leader program is comprised of approximately 25, seventh and eighth grade students. These students are recommended by staff and/or apply to the program. These Students all have one thing in common, they are interested in helping Oak Hill become a more accepting environment and are willing to give their time and energy towards teaching other students how to accomplish this goal. The peer leaders are expected to lead by example.

The primary role of Peer Leaders is to lead in-class presentations on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, bullying, accepting differences and rumors. Peer leaders attend a formal three day training provided by the Anti-Defamation League. Peer leaders meet during community throughout the school year with the counseling staff and Mr. Westenberg to plan and practice classroom presentations. Our peer leaders have also helped in the past with giving tours to new families and assisting parents at Curriculum Night.

Peer leaders have attended the ADL's "A World of Difference" spring conference every year.