Counseling and Psychology

Counseling Services

The counseling department provides a number of services to assist students in their academic and social emotional growth. Counselors rotate with their students for the 3 years that they are at Oak Hill.

  • Counseling Support: Each counselor runs individual and small group counseling sessions. We provide mediation and crisis intervention when necessary, as well as larger classroom discussions.

  • Transition to Middle School and High School: The counselors help to make the transitions for incoming 6th grade and outgoing 8th grade students smooth. They provide presentations and tours to incoming 6th grade students and families as well as assisting in the registration of students for the high school.

  • Scheduling: Students and parents can seek out their child's guidance counselor to assist in questions regarding student's schedules throughout the school year.

  • Referrals: Your counselor can help you access community resources as well as refer you to local social/ emotional support services.

  • Special Education and 504's: Your counselor is the chairperson for the initial and re-evaluation special education meetings of each student on their caseload. They also write and update and facilitate the 504 documents/meetings.

  • Registration: Counselors assist in registering all incoming 6th grade students as well as students who move into the area during the school year.

  • Programs: Counselors run the peer leader program and Signs of Suicide Program. For more information on these programs please click on the tabs to the right.

Accessing your child's counselor

Parents can call to make an appointment to see their child’s counselor at anytime during the school day. The counselors prefer that you call before you come in. Very often, a counselor can see a parent within a reasonable amount of time. Students can make appointments during the school day by talking to either the guidance administrative assistant or their counselor. The best time to meet with your counselor is during extension so students are not missing instruction. Counselors may pull students from classes, if needed.

In middle school, teachers try to set aside time to meet with parents as much as possible. Teachers have upwards of 90 students on their caseloads, so traditional monthly conferences are not possible. Individual teacher conferences are common, and can be initiated by the parent or the teacher. A teacher can be called or emailed directly to schedule a meeting. The Principal sets aside specific days for formal parent/teacher conferences. You will receive information on this in the fall. Team meetings involving the team of teachers are also available for parents and teachers when there are issues in a number of classes. Your guidance counselor is responsible for coordinating the team meetings, which are usually limited to one per student per year. The guidance counselor also sets up all 504 meetings. The student services administrative assistant, Kimberly Mastroianni, schedules all IEP meetings.

Psychological Services

School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. They collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community for all students (NASP, A Career That Makes A Difference).

School psychologists provide direct support and intervention to students; consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors) to improve support strategies; work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and polices; and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services (NASP, Who Are School Psychologists?).

School psychologists have specialized training in both education and psychology. At Oak Hill Middle School, your school psychologist participates in consultation, evaluation, and prevention and intervention.