Please be sure to fill-out the google form when renewing or joining NYSAFCSE. This information is needed to update your information accurately.
If you are interested in sponsoring a current FACS Student at the college level for a one-year student membership; please fill out this form.
Membership Benefits
NYSAFCSE's Executive Board meetings, held in Albany three times throughout the year, bring together area coordinators and board members to discuss concerns of the profession and develop educational strategies for classroom use.
NYSAFCSE's sponsored Professional Development Education Workshops and Seminars provide professional development opportunities during the school year.
NYSAFCSE's Professional Development Leadership training for members from the 23 regions in the state who are leaders at the local level.
Area meetings and mini-conventions encourage NYSAFCSE within a geographic area to share their programs and mutual concerns.
Involvement with Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) through student leadership training. Members regularly attend their regional and statewide conventions.
Representation & Advocacy:
The New York State Council of Education Associations (NYSCEA) meetings are held in Albany three times each year. These meetings gather representatives of all the state education associations, including NYSAFCSE, to meet with State Education Department officials regarding the latest education initiatives and concerns.
NYSCEA's Delegate Assembly held in Albany.
The Association of Career and Technical Education(ACTE), formerly the American Vocational Association (AVA), at their various national conferences and assemblies, including the National Policy Seminar held in Washington, D.C.
NYSAFCSE's Annual Legislative breakfast held at the state capitol which representatives showcase outstanding educational programs and meet with state legislators.
United Family & Consumer Sciences (UFCS) meets three times a year in Albany to discuss mutual concerns of Family and Consumer Sciences Professionals and their colleagues at Cornell Cooperative Extension. The UHE sponsors a joint conference held bi-annually.
State and Local Benefits Include the Opportunities to:
Nominate friends of NYSAFCSE as the Supporter of the Year. The winner receives the coveted Ellen Swallow Richards Award.
Nominate outstanding students from the Home and Career Skills and Family and Consumer Sciences courses for their outstanding accomplishments and performance for Student of the Year Award.
Nominate colleagues to receive NYSAFCSE's professional awards including: Teacher of the Year, Distinguished Service Award, Orchid Award, FCCLA Advisor of the Year, and Promising New Professional.
Develop promising and innovative educational courses, modules and assessment tools through curriculum writing seminars under the guidance of the NYSAFCSE Professional Development leadership team and the State Education Department.
Participation in professional and collegial networks dedicated to empowering individuals and families to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global economy.
Planning and sponsoring professional activities through area chapters, including lectures, seminars, professional development courses, and local conferences.
Receive “E_News Capsule," a monthly digital publication and weekly Monday Memos as well as communications from the president and the professional development team on initiatives of the Commissioner of Education and the State Board of Regents.
Recognize excellence in teaching through annual regional awards.
Grow professionally by attending state and regional meetings and conferences.
Types of Memberships & Dues
Professional Membership
Shall be teachers and/or administrators currently employed as a teacher and/or administrator of family and consumer sciences education in NYS who hold a degree or certification in any field of family and consumer sciences.
Retired Membership
Retired members are teachers of family and consumer science education and hold a degree or certification in any field of family and consumer science and whose retirement begins during the school year covered by the membership application.
Lifetime Retired Membership
Lifetime members are former teachers of family and consumer science education in NYS and hold a degree or certification in any field of family and consumer science. Members may elect lifetime membership and pay a one time fee for membership the year their retirement begins.
Student Membership
Student members are college students pursuing a degree or certification and seeking teacher certification in family and consumer science education.