Radiation Oncology and Radiation Metabolism Laboratory 

(ROM Lab)

國立陽明交通大學, 生物醫學工程學院, 生物醫學影像暨放射學系 

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, College of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Department of Biomedicine Imaging and Radiological Sciences (NYCU, BIRS)

Principal Investigator: Yu-Chan Chang (張御展), Ph.D.

Current Positions

Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science (BIRS),

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Assistant Professor, Appointed: Aug, 2020-present


Institute of Pathology and Parasitology,

National Defense Medical Center

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Appointed: Aug, 2021-present





Address: Biomedical Engineering Building 442, No.155, Sec.2, Linong Street, Taipei, 112, Taiwan

Tel: +886-2-2826-7064 (NYCU) 

Research areas:

Cancer Metabolism, Radiobiology, Cellular Imaging, Oncology

Expertise and Research Interests

   "Our basic science research investigates how adaptive metabolism reprograms cancer transcripts/proteomes during metastasis/resistance. Clinical research focuses on identifying the mechanisms responsible for various common cancers such as lung cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, gastrointestinal tract, Histomorphology and molecular pathogenesis of liver and pancreaticobiliary diseases. This laboratory also provides translational pathology research support to our department and other NYCU and TVGH researchers."


01.27.2021 張御展老師榮獲”科技部補助大專院校延攬特殊優秀人才補助”

10.26.2022 張御展老師實驗室論文榮獲”國立陽明交通大學校內111年第一季重要期刊論文”

11.01.2022 大專生_何兆璟榮獲”白金科技優秀學士生獎” (110)

12.08.2022 張御展老師榮獲 ”財團法人沈力揚教授醫學教育獎學紀念基因會補助”

02.23.2023 大專生_何兆璟榮獲”白金科技優秀學生獎” (111)

03.09.2023 碩士生_林柏玄研究論文榮獲”37th 生會年會大會演講”

                 碩士生_蔡惠宇研究論文榮獲”37th 生會年會海報展示”

03.23.2023 碩士生_林柏玄榮獲優秀學生獎

04.27.2023 碩士生_林柏玄榮獲”白金科技優秀碩士生獎” (111)

05.09.2023 碩士生_林柏玄研究論文榮獲屆Merck年輕人科學競賽壁報組 (癌症領域)


05.10.2023 張御展老師榮獲 ”111學年度學院英語授課教學獎”

05.29.2023 碩士生_林柏玄研究論文榮獲屆Merck年輕人科學競賽壁報組複選。生物領域_癌症研究組_新星獎


06.06.2023 碩士生_林柏玄研究論文榮獲111學年度學術論文研討會_優等

08.25.2023 張御展老師榮獲 ”第十九屆榮總台灣聯合大學合作研究成果發表會壁報組競賽臨床醫學組I第三名

12.14.2023 張御展老師於新竹竹北高中進行學群學系講座, 題目:有圖有真相:工作細胞.

12.28.2023 張御展老師榮獲"111年度第二梯次教研人員國際化優良成果獎勵"

01.04.2024 張御展老師擔任醫學院重要論文專題演講_評論者, 講評題目: Radiologic Patterns Determine the Outcomes of Initial and Subsequent Transarterial Chemoembolization in Intermediate-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma (臨醫所_黃怡翔 教授)

01.15.2024-03.29-2024 IIPP學生Thomas/Jade 加入實驗室.

03.23-24.2024 第38屆生醫年會  分子影像學會      郭翰錫  海報組第一名

                                                                                   葉佳穎  口頭組佳作

05.07.2024 碩士生_葉佳穎研究論文榮獲第三屆Merck年輕人科學競賽壁報組複選 (癌症研究組)

                 碩士生_郭翰錫研究論文榮獲第三屆Merck年輕人科學競賽壁報組複選 (神經與免疫醫學組)

06.06.2024 碩士生_葉佳穎研究論文榮獲112學年度學術論文研討會_基礎研究組_優等


.............to be continued

1.    (2021/01/01-2022/7/31) Ministry of Science and Technology MOST 110-2320-B-010-008-MY2. 


2.    (2022/01/01-2022/12/31) 111 Yen Tjing Ling Medical Foundation (CI-111-9).


3.    (2022/01/01-2022/12/31) Veterans General Hospitals and University System of Taiwan Joint Research Program (VGHUST111-G3-3-2). 


4.    (2022/07/01-2023/02/28) MOST College Student Research Program (111-2813-C-A49-111-B). 


5.    (2022/08/01-2025/07/31) Ministry of Science and Technology MOST 111-2314-B-A49-036-MY3. 

6.    (2023/01/01-2023/12/31) 112 Yen Tjing Ling Medical Foundation (CI-112-6). 


7.   (2023/01/01-2023/12/31) 112 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University-Kaohsiung Medical University Joint Research Project, (#NYCUKMU-112-I003).


8.    (2023/08/01-2026/07/31) Ministry of Science and Technology NSTC 112-2314-B-075-009-MY3. Co-PI


9.    (2023/08/01-2026/07/31) Ministry of Science and Technology NSTC 112-2314-B-075-021-MY3. Co-PI


10.  112年度新進基礎培育支持方案

碩士班 (入學年度)

1.  林柏玄 (110) (111下_白金科技-優秀碩士生獎)

2.  蔡惠宇 (110)

3.  葉佳穎 (111)

4.  郭翰錫 (111)

5.  林又妤 (112)



1.  何兆璟 (111 科技部大專生研究計畫)


2.  鄭筱臻


IIPP student

1. Phạm Hưng Thịnh (Thomas)(2024/01-2024/03)

2. Phí NgọC Trâm (Jade)(2024/01-2024/03)

3. Veronica Kuo (2024/05-2024/06)


Ph. D.

Sep. 2011 to Jun. 2017

Department of Life sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan



Sep. 2009 to Jun. 2011

Department of Dentistry, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan



Sep. 2005 to Jun. 2009

Department of Dental Hygiene, China Medicine University, Taichung, Taiwan

Honors and Awards