Plastic Free Lunch Day

Congratulations to the winners of the plastic free lunch day artwork contest!

We are absolutely blown away by the 450+ submissions we received from D75 and K-8th grade students for our inaugural Plastic Free Lunch Day Artwork Contest! Each submission was reviewed based on the design's subject relevance, call-to-action/message, overall design, and artwork quality.  

Congratulations to all the winners!

Click here to see all of the winning artwork. 

Next PLastic free lunch day - 

June 26

Plastic Free Lunch Day is an action day to reduce as much plastic use as possible during school lunch, a way to help protect our environment & our health. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services will be serving school lunches with minimal to no single use plastic. Students who bring lunch from home are encouraged to pack their food in a reusable container. Plastic Free Lunch Day repeats every three weeks!

Join school districts around the country and take climate action in the cafeteria!

Elementary Schools

Elementary schools kitchens automatically participate. Lunches will be served without plastic packaging, a monumental step towards reducing waste!

Middle & High Schools

Middle and high schools kitchens have different types of meal service than elementary schools, but they can still reduce plastic waste through staff and student engagement.

Key Video resources

Tips for Plastic Free Lunch Day

Let your school know about Plastic Free Lunch Day

Encourage everyone to take part

Learn more about plastic waste

Thanks to our partners Cafeteria Culture, the NYC Public Schools Office of Food & Nutrition Services, and the Urban School Food Alliance! Learn more at