2021-03-31 Meeting

Meeting Details

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 31, 2021; 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Location: Virtual on Zoom

Attendees: Justin Crawfis, Ron Davidson, John Dewees, Linda Huber, Leslie Korenko, Marnie Pratt, Emily Rinaman, Jo Anne Schiefer, Mark Sprang

Brief Notes:

  • Future meetings:

    • Once possible, a mix of in-person and virtual meetings will be used

    • During colder months favor virtual

    • During warmer months favor in person

    • A winter meeting was abandoned due to travel concerns, possibly bring this back now that virtual is an option

    • This would bring us to four meetings a year instead of three

    • Next meeting will be in July

    • John will be more robust in his reminder emails for this meeting

  • Passport Program

    • Emily provided an update on the status of the passport program

    • A cultural tourism grant was applied for but unsuccessful

    • This lead to a broader discussion on the timing of this program

    • Looks like the Passport Program will likely take place in 2022

    • This allows more time to plan and allows for organizations to hopefully fully have their doors open

    • Emily shared mock-ups of the NWOCHG logo to be featured on prizes (which look great!)

    • Emily is seeking committee members to help with the grant writing process

    • Linda Huber and Ron Davidson are possible members of the committee

  • Lots of open discussion about the status of organizations and the degree to which they are open to the public