Two Waterfalls

Two Waterfalls - Michael Han (Sierra Vista Middle School, 7th Grade)

Two waterfalls filled the valley with sound

One with anger and rage

The other joy and calmness

One helped the animals by fueling lush green forests for them to live in and eat

The other flooded the homes and food of the animals

As much as the waterfalls were different they needed each other

One day the animals were tired of running and hiding from the waterfall filled with rage

They climbed the rocky terrain until they got to the top

Then they put a rock over the waterfalls hole

Stopping the water

The animals rejoiced, without that waterfall they would have as much food and water as they pleased

Soon the valley was filled with lush green life

Too much green life

The owls could not find sticks to make nests

The bears could not find berries as they were covered in vines and thorns

The squirrels were never able to find the nuts they buried in the winter, starving them

The animals realized that this was no life to live and all went to the waterfall of rage

The waterfall was now filled with green life, blocking their way

Yet they persisted, ripping the vines and thorns as if they were paper

Soon they reached the top and pushed the rock away

The ground rumbled and grumbled and a huge geyser flooded out, filled with the rage it had been forced to hold in when the rock was there

The green life flooded away and the other waterfall grew more

Restarting the cycle of good and bad