Invited Talk

Speaker: Dr Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, United States  

Talk Title: Revolutionizing Public Safety: 6G Wireless Unleashes Precision Positioning and Navigation

Abstract: The imperative need for accurate Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) systems, vital to critical infrastructure and advanced location-based services, has spurred the development of alternative technologies. This talk addresses the potential degradation of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) under varying conditions by proposing an innovative PNT solution. Leveraging Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs), we present a symbiotic game-theoretic framework that enhances PNT accuracy and efficiency. The heart of our approach lies in the orchestration and configuration of RISs. Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning (RL) are harnessed to address this challenge. Through a novel Satisfaction Game, targets autonomously determine the optimal count of contributing RISs for PNT services. The specific RISs ensemble is selected via an advanced RL algorithm. Further optimization involves phase shifts of the RISs, maximizing signal strength at targets through reflected signals. The proposed approach is grounded in a mutualistic symbiotic concept drawn from biological systems. Collaborator nodes, supported by RISs and anchor nodes with known coordinates, forge a symbiotic relationship with targets of unknown positions. Minimizing positioning and timing errors becomes a non-cooperative game among these entities, showcasing the existence of a Nash Equilibrium through the potential game principles. Performance evaluation is conducted through modeling and simulation, unveiling trade-offs between game-theoretic and RL approaches. The proposed methodology presents a promising avenue for robust PNT solutions, bridging accuracy and reliability gaps in GNSS and catering to critical sectors dependent on precise positioning, navigation, and timing.

Bio: Dr. Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou is an Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Chair, and Director of Recruiting and Admissions at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico. She obtained her Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens in 2008 and her MBA in techno-economics from the same institute in 2010. She graduated with a Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens in 2014. Her main research interests lie in the area of cyber-physical social systems and wireless heterogeneous networks, with emphasis on network modeling and optimization, resource orchestration in interdependent systems, reinforcement learning, game theory, network economics, and Internet of Things. Five of her papers received the Best Paper Award at IEEE WCNC in 2012, ADHOCNETS in 2015, IEEE/IFIP WMNC 2019, INFOCOM 2019 by the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications Systems Integration and Modeling, and IEEE/ACM BRAINS 2020. She was selected by the IEEE Communication Society - N2Women - as one of the top ten Rising Stars of 2017 in the communications and networking field. She received the NSF CRII Award in 2019, the Early Career Award from the IEEE Communications Society Internet Technical Committee in 2019, and the Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, School of Engineering, University of New Mexico in 2018. Her research is mainly supported by the Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and industry. She is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, IEEE Networking Letters, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE IT Professional, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.