Mental Health and Well-Being

Schools are an ideal place for students to receive the social, emotional, and behavioral support that are needed to adaptively cope with challenges and engage with learning.

Our mental health and wellness support team works in collaboration with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community. Through our work, we support diverse learners, promote positive behavior and mental health, improve academic achievement, and work to maintain a safe and positive school culture. In essence, we support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach.

Jessica Anderson



Kristina Wolfe



COVID-19 Global Pandemic Resources

Below are some resources that your family may find helpful while navigating the changes of the 2020 - 2021 school year and the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have questions or are in need of additional support, please reach out.

Uncharted Territory: Helping Families Face the Fall and The Return to School in COVID-19 Times (PrairieCare)

Helping Children Cope with the Changes Resulting from COVID-19 (National Association of School Psychologists)

Supporting Mental Well-Being During COVID-19 (MN Department of Health)

COVID-19: Five Helpful Responses for Families (Conscious Discipline)

Dakota County COVID-19 Community Resources (Dakota County)

ISD 196 COVID-19 Mental Health Supports (Independent School District 196)

Resources for supporting you family during COVID (compiled by District 196 school psychologists)

Access this helpful (free) webinar through the MN Association for Children's Mental Health Website.