Security in Wireless Cellular Networks

Nowadays, mobile cellular networks are so popular that almost everyone has a smartphone to use. However, along with the popularity of smartphones and mobile applications, information security threats have increased rapidly. Many forms of attacks against cellular networks, e.g., fraud via fake messages, fake calls, fake SIM cards, tracking phone users' location, and eavesdropping on calls, are causing a lot of economic damage, reputation, and privacy violations to users. This course provides a basic understanding of security architectures in telecommunications networks (4G/5G/beyond 5G) and critical vulnerabilities (SMS fakes, location surveillance, IMSI catcher, jailbreak). By practicing some basic attacks and finding vulnerabilities, students can test the ability of network operators to protect their security. You will also learn about defensive architecture in telecommunications networks, which is essential for system security administrators in the telecommunications industry. Finally, information on security issues and technologies in the new generation, 6G networks, and low-orbit satellites is also discussed. Note that this is an English-taught course (We use English in every activity such as lecture/homework assignment/presentation...).

Course info


  No textbook is required. Lecture notes are compiled by the instructor


Weekly schedule
