Computer Networks

The Internet has become a vital factor in human society. Many popular applications like Youtube, Facebook, or Line will not be able to operate properly if there is no Internet. The course provides a comprehensive understanding of how Internet applications work from a system and application-oriented perspective, such as how data is transmitted (encoding/decoding), routed through different geographical areas (routing and switching), and secured (security). The course also covers advanced networking topics such as resource allocation and multicast or mobile IP, which are crucial for building scalable network applications such as video streaming services and enterprise network applications (Internet of Things, smart cities). Finally, cutting-edge computer network technologies such as Software-defined networking (SDN) and programmable networks are also discussed. 

Course info



Please refer to the link in Ecourse2 or here 

Weekly Schedule

Software preparation

Packet Tracer/GNS3 can be downloaded at  

NS3/OMNET++ can be downloaded at and

Mininet/ONOS can be downloaded at and

Parrot Security/Kali Linux can be downloaded at and

Key announcements:

If you still have questions about subnetting, please see the following article that I created to describe the important processes for subnetting: 

Subnetting.pdf is also in the material store.

How to subnet a network (subnetting technique) (including several corrections!) 

Here are two videos about using the CLI to configure OSPF and BGP:

  1. OSPF: 

   2. BGP: 

Based on this basic configuration, you could enjoy performing the bonus tasks (no specified deadline) that I have supplied in Week6.pdf.

Note that once you use CLI to configure everything in the routers successfully, congrats! Now You know how to configure a REAL router. 

In practice, everything will be quite similar to what you have done in CLI, except for some extra parts (password config, vty line)

You can see how this guy did in a real Cisco router ^^

   1. Lesson 5: 

   2. VLAN configuration: 

       Lab2-DNS-FTP Service: 


In the course material store, I put the Packet Tracer sample files (.pkt) for your reference + Hw1.pdf (homework)