F A Q s

Here are some of the more common questions students ask me

If you have a question that is not here and the answer is not found on this syllabus, reach out to me.

I'm here to help YOU!

Do I need to buy the book Thin for Life?

No, you don't need to buy it.  If you find a copy at the library, you can check it out and read it without buying it. (Used copies can be found for <10$ online) But you DO need to READ several chapters in the book.

Is this a self-paced class?

No. The course content opens one week at a time and the quizzes are due on a set schedule. See the course schedule on the last page of this syllabus

How do I get in touch with you?

The BEST WAY is to direct message me on Pronto.  I will likely get back to you very, very quickly.

You can e-mail me: milleranna@fhda.edu. Please write “NUTR 62G” in the subject of your email.  (I teach other courses and it's helpful for me know which course you're in)

And one other option: You can message me using the Canvas inbox

Don't forget that I'm available every Friday and Monday from 11 am until 1 pm during my Zoom office hours.  Not free then? I'll be happy to make an appointment to speak with you on another day and/or time.

What happens if I miss a Quiz?

One quiz score is dropped (the lowest of the 6) so that will be the one that is dropped. 

If something unavoidable prevents you from taking a second quiz, contact me before the test, or in the case of an emergency, within 24 hours of the quiz closing

However, BE AWARE: Each quiz is open for 1 full week (except the last one which is open for 5 days). 

If you wait until the last minute to take a quiz and you run into connectivity issues, you will be out of luck. 

PLAN AHEAD to take the quiz well before it closes.

Do I have to take Quiz 6?

If you took and you're happy with your scores on Quizzes 1-5 then no, you do not have to take Quiz 6. In that case, that score of 0 will be the score that  gets dropped. 

FYI: Not having to study for Quiz 6 can really help you out during Final Exams week :-)

Are there ways I can boost my points? 

There is 1 extra credit opportunity worth 5 points. It will be offered in the last week.

There are many "easy" points to earn -- don't overlook earning them. They can seriously boost your class standing (and not earning them can really hurt your grade)

Another helpful policy in this class: You can take each quiz (and the Orientation Quiz) twice,. Therefore, it's not hard to get A+ scores on these

Do I have to go on a diet for this class?

No, not at all! There is no weight loss diet or plan that  students need to be on for this class

Do I have to lose weight for this class?

Absolutely not.  Learning about the weight loss process can be accomplished without losing weight!

More questions? ASK ME!