Course Essentials

Basic Info 

Course Description 

Causes of obesity; evaluation of popular weight control diets and programs and effective methods of weight loss.

Note: This course provides applicable information for the person who wants to lose weight or maintain weight loss.  It also provides value to professionals such as personal trainers, coaches and nurses who work with people managing their weight.

Important  - Know This!

Faculty are required by law to clear their rosters of “no shows” during the first week. 

To keep your spot in this class and not be identified as a “no show” (which gets you dropped)  log onto the course on Canvas and complete the following 2 quick and easy tasks by midnight Wednesday night of the first week of the quarter: 

FYI: Students who add the class after registration closed will have 2 days to do these tasks, after they register.

Not doing these 2 tasks by the deadline will get you dropped as a “no show”.  Get in touch with me in the first few days of the quarter  if there is a hardship that prevents your completing these 2 quick tasks.

Need Accommodations in This Course? 

Students with limitations due to a disability may receive support services from DeAnza's  Disability Support Services. Those students with mobility, visual, hearing, speech, psychological and other other health impairments as well as learning and developmental disabilities are served.   Register with their offices in the first week of the quarter to receive accommodations in time for the first test.

Be Aware.... 

The last day to drop with a “W” is Wednesday July 31. 

If you realize after this date that you are not getting the grade that you desire, please do not ask me to drop you. College procedures do not allow me to do so. Know your grade throughout the course so there are no surprises in the last week of the quarter.

Prerequisites and Textbook Information 




Thin for Life by Anne Fletcher. 2003.  

(Yes, this book is almost 20 years old, but it’s still the best on this topic!)

There are used copies of this book available online for <10$ (try Be sure you get the 2003 edition, and not the earlier one.

Some public libraries also carry it, and there is a copy at the reserve desk of the DeAnza library

Student Learning Objectives

What's a Student Learning Outcome?

Student Learning Outcomes are the goals you will ideally achieve by the end of this course.

Upon completing this course successfully you will be able to:

Analyze weight loss diets, programs and supplements, determining effective strategies for healthy and lasting weight loss. 

The Course Content of Nutrition 62G

Virtual Lectures

The backbone of Nutrition 62G consists of  Virtual Lectures  (VLs) -- something that I have created. There are 6 VLs in all. These are NOT videos of my giving a lecture. A VL is a something that you read.  Essentially, a VL replaces what an in-person student would get in  hours of class time/lecture, but in a visual presentation.  This makes up the course content.

Assigned Reading 

The chapters assigned from Thin for Life make up the balance of the course content.

This is a trade paperback, not an academic textbook. The chapters are not long; the reading assignments do not amount to a great deal of reading. But reading them IS essential for passing the quizzes.

Together, the VLs and reading parts of Thin For Life make up the course content of Nutrition 62G

Course Content Quizzes

General Information

Course Content Quizzes: The What and the When

WHAT Will Be on Each Quiz

Quiz 1:   VL (Virtual Lecture) #1 and the Introduction, Chapter 1 and pp. 45-46 from Thin for Life

Quiz 2:   VL  #2 and Chapters 2 & 3 from Thin for Life

Quiz 3:   VL  #3 and Chapter 4 from Thin for Life

Quiz 4:   VL  #4 and Chapter 7 from Thin for Life

Quiz 5:   VL  #5 and Chapters 6 & 8 from Thin for Life

Quiz 6:   VL  #6 and Chapters 5, 9 & 10 from Thin for Life        

WHEN Will Each Quiz Be?

All but the last quiz will be open for 1 week, from Mondays at 6 am and until 11:55 pm the following Sunday night

                   Quiz 1 closes Sunday July 14

Quiz 2 closes Sunday July 21

Quiz 3 closes Sunday July 28

Quiz 4 AND Quiz 5 close Sunday Aug 4

Quiz 6 closes THURSDAY Aug 8

The single small Assignment

Writing Your Action Plan

There is one very small assignment in Nutrition 62G. It is worth 20 points (20% of your course grade)

You will write and submit a personal Action Plan for lifestyle change to achieve weight loss or weight loss management (or for a healthy lifestyle if weight loss is not your goal). 

The due date is listed on the last page of this syllabus. Late submissions will be accepted... BUT with a late penalty: a 2 point deduction. All Instructions will be on Canvas.

Asyncrhonous Discussions

10 points are earned through participating on 2 Asynchronous Discussions.

Participating on a discussion earns up to 5 points.

To earn the full 5 points, you must submit:

A POST earns up to 3 points and a REPLY earns 1 point each.

NOTE: In order to earn 10 Points for Discussions, you must participate BOTH of the discussions.