

Exploring the effectiveness and emotional impact of Adaptive Learning on rural elementary School

  • 研究生姓名:李季剛

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:109

  • 中文關鍵字:偏鄉教育、因材網、學習成效、學習情緒

  • 英文關鍵字:rural school, adaptive learning platform, learning efficiency, learning emotion


Use the Extended Technology Acceptance Model to Exploration of Elementary School Students' in

Science Education Through the Incorporation of the Use of Augmented Reality Technology into Teaching

  • 研究生姓名:蔡孟君

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:109

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、可觸式擴增實境、科技接受模型、行為意圖

  • 英文關鍵字:Augmented Reality, Tangible AR, Technology Acceptance Model, Behavioral Intention to Use


Effects of using an augmented reality board game with tangible interaction on learning anxiety, self-efficacy and

locus of control: Card-game, Slide and Learning Sheet gamification teaching model for Taiwanese temple culture

  • 研究生姓名:胡瀞方

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:109

  • 中文關鍵字: 可觸式互動、擴增實境、廟宇導覽、人文素養、卡簡單遊戲化教學

  • 英文關鍵字:tangible interaction, augmented reality, temple guide, humanistic literacy, CSLS teaching model


The Study on the relationship between Adaptive e-learning strategies, Learning Emotions and Learning Effectiveness

- Take the e-Testing Online Testing as an Example

  • 研究生姓名:吳明峻

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:108

  • 中文關鍵字: 學習策略、學習成效、適性化學習

  • 英文關鍵字:learning strategy, learning effectiveness, appropriate learning

結合心智圖之情感式適性學習系統對批判性思考、反思能力、 問題解決能力之影響

The influence of the combination of mind mapping and affective adaptive learning system on critical thinking,

reflective thinking and problem solving ability

  • 研究生姓名:劉欣蘭

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:108

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感運算、心智圖、情感式家教系統文字情緒、臉部情緒、適性化學習、批判性思考、反思能力、


  • 英文關鍵字:Affective Computing, mind mapping, Affective Tutoring Systems, ATS, semantic emotion, face emotion, Adaptive Learning, Critical Thinking, reflective thinking, Problem solving ability


Use the video to learn the impact of the VBA macro programming system on emotions

  • 研究生姓名:蘇裕峰

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:108

  • 中文關鍵字: Macro

  • 英文關鍵字:Macro


Digital Art Creation and Research of Virtual Reality Visual Music-VR Symphony Dream of Works as an Example

  • 研究生姓名:鄭憶雯

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:108

  • 中文關鍵字: 聯覺、康丁斯基、數位藝術、虛擬實境、想像力

  • 英文關鍵字:Synesthesia, Wassily Kandinsky, Digital Art, Virtual Reality, Imaginative Capability


A Study of The Role of Affective Chat-Bot in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

  • 研究生姓名:陳凌漢

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:107

  • 中文關鍵字: 聊天機器人、電腦輔助合作學習、自主合作學習、神經網路、反思能力、批判性思考、問題解決能力、創造力

  • 英文關鍵字: Chat-Bot, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Regulating Collaborative Learning, Neural Network


Exploring the effectiveness and emotional impact of AR- based board games in high school health education

  • 研究生姓名:蘇倫可

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:107

  • 中文關鍵字: 遊戲式學習、擴增實境、桌遊、健康教育

  • 英文關鍵字: Game-Based Learning, Augmented Reality, Board Game, Health Education


The image of image-text seeing and its semantics evaluation study-The relationship between images and text.

  • 研究生姓名:余玳均

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:107

  • 中文關鍵字: SD語意差異量表、圖文關係、反思能力、批判思考能力

  • 英文關鍵字: critical thinking, reflective ability, text-iamge relationship, semantic differential scale


Reflective on Stray Cats and Dogs through game-based Experiential Education of College Students

  • 研究生姓名:郭文鱗

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:107

  • 中文關鍵字: 流浪動物、流浪貓、流浪狗、體驗教育、遊戲式學習

  • 英文關鍵字: Stray dogs, Stray cats, Stray animals, Experiential Education, Game-base Learning


Effects of IRS-supported flipped learning tasks on English language learning

  • 研究生姓名:張晴

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:107

  • 中文關鍵字: 即時反饋系統、翻轉學習、英語學習

  • 英文關鍵字: Interactive response system, Flipped learning, English oral communication


Exploring the Self-efficacy of MOOCs from Learning Styles

  • 研究生姓名:顏郁霏

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:107

  • 中文關鍵字: 磨課師課程、學習風格、自我調節效能

  • 英文關鍵字: MOOCs, Learning Style, Self-regulation Efficacy

使用者經驗、品牌形象、品牌忠誠度與購買意願關係之研究- 以智慧型手機為例

A Study of the Relationship among User Experience, Brand Image, Brand Loyalty and Purchase Intention-Using Smartphone as an Example

  • 研究生姓名:劉結欽

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:106

  • 中文關鍵字: 使用者經驗

  • 英文關鍵字: User Experience


Emotions From Body Movements With Interactive Video Learning System

  • 研究生姓名:鄭名佑

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:106

  • 中文關鍵字: 拉邦運動分析、二維情緒圖、Kinect體感互動設計學習情緒、玩興

  • 英文關鍵字: Laban Movement Analysis, two-dimensional mood map, learning emotion, playfulness


The Research on the Creation of Interactive Visual Art with Sound

  • 研究生姓名:李郁文

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:106

  • 中文關鍵字: 互動藝術、接受美學、數位藝術

  • 英文關鍵字: Interactive Art, Aesthetic Acceptance, Digital Art


The Influence of Blending Digital Game Themes into Chinese Courses on Reading Comprehension and

Learning Results

  • 研究生姓名:雷由禮

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:106

  • 中文關鍵字: 數位遊戲、閱讀理解

  • 英文關鍵字: Digital Gaming, Reading Comprehension, DGBL, PISA, PaGamO, MAPS


Effects of Kinect Exergames on Balance Training among the Community Elderly

  • 研究生姓名:楊奇旻

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:106

  • 中文關鍵字: 體感遊戲、Kinect、平衡訓練、老年人

  • 英文關鍵字: exergames, Kinect, balance training, elderly


The Effect of Game-Based Learning System Combined Historical Thinking on Secondary School’s History Education

  • 研究生姓名:吳孟樺

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:106

  • 中文關鍵字: 密室逃脫、脈絡性思考、歷史教育、遊戲式數位學習、 逆向設計、序列分析

  • 英文關鍵字: Reality Room Escape, Historical Thinking, History education, Backward design, Game-Based Learning, Sequential Analysis


A Study of Using Sentiment Analysis Combining Automatic Classification of Multi- attribute Products to

Consumer Reviews

  • 研究生姓名:林國仲

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:105

  • 中文關鍵字: 情緒分析、隱含狄利克雷分布、主題模型、文章分類

  • 英文關鍵字:Sentiment Analysis, LDA, Topic model, Article classification


The Effects of Virtual Reality System Applied to All-Out-Defense Shooting Training Course for

Senior High School Students

  • 研究生姓名:郭柏均

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:105

  • 中文關鍵字: 虛擬實境、全民國防、實彈射擊、遊戲式學習、嚴肅遊戲

  • 英文關鍵字: Virtual Reality, All-Out-Defense, Shooting, Game-Base Learning, Serious game


The Effects of Home-care Adherence in Chronic Stroke Patients Applying with Line Software

  • 研究生姓名:沈中源

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:105

  • 中文關鍵字: 遵從度、居家復健運動、慢性期腦中風、Line

  • 英文關鍵字: adherence, home exercise program, chronic stroke, Line


The Study on the Application in the Combination of Pervasive Gaming and Augmented Reality in the

Temple Tour Between Users with Different Cognitive Styles

  • 研究生姓名:林語瑄

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:105

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、隨境遊戲、廟宇文化、認知風格、廟宇導覽

  • 英文關鍵字: Augmented Reality, Pervasive Gaming, temple culture, cognitive style, temple tour


Development of A Digital Game-based Unity Programming Learning System and its Effects

  • 研究生姓名:徐文俊

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:105

  • 中文關鍵字: Unity程式設計、數位遊戲式學習、問題導向式學習、翻轉教室課程、學習動機、自我調控能力

  • 英文關鍵字: Digital Game-Based Learning, Flipped classroom, Learning motivation, Problem-Based Learning, Self-regulation, Unity programming


The Evaluation on the Usability of Mobile Device Applications with Interactive Affective Tutoring System

  • 研究生姓名:葉威廷

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 互動式情感家教系統、情感運算、行動學習

  • 英文關鍵字: Affective computing, Emotional systems


The Creation of Interactive Visual Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts

  • 研究生姓名:張家維

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 數位藝術、互動藝術、接受美學、抽象藝術

  • 英文關鍵字: Digital Art, Interactive Art, Aesthetic Acceptance, Abstract Arts

行動擴增實境應用於穿戴式設備與各行動裝置之研究- 以家具 實景等比例擺設為例

The Study of Mobile Augmented Reality Applying In Wearable Devices And Mobile Devices-

Taking Realistic Isometric Furnishing For Example

  • 研究生姓名:林冠佑

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、穿戴式設備、家具擺設

  • 英文關鍵字: Augmented Reality, wearable device, furnishing


A Study Based on the Combination of Dynamic Body Movement Image and Music Creation Discussion on

Aesthetics accepted

  • 研究生姓名:朱緯瀚

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 音樂創作

  • 英文關鍵字: 音樂創作


A Study of the Mobile Affective Tutoring System for Information Technology Education Curriculum at the

Junior High School Level

  • 研究生姓名:陳姵文

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感式家教系統、資訊教育、行動學習

  • 英文關鍵字: Affective Tutoring System, Information Technology Education, Mobile Learning


The Study of Sentiment Analysis on the Influence of News Headlines on Audiences

  • 研究生姓名:歐孟賢

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感分析、情緒、紮根理論

  • 英文關鍵字: Emotion, Grouded Theory, Sentiment Analysis


The Study of Exploring Aesthetic Acceptance with Hand Interactive Art in Bergoson Theory

  • 研究生姓名:沈俞君

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 柏格森、接受美學、數位藝術、互動藝術

  • 英文關鍵字: Bergson, Aesthetic Acceptance, Digital Art, Interactive Art


An Evaluation of the Learning Efficiency of Vocational Students through Strategies of

Cooperative Learning and Flipped Classroom

  • 研究生姓名:呂豐章

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 合作學習、翻轉教室、學習態度、學習成就、教學方式感受度

  • 英文關鍵字: Cooperative Learning, Flipped Classroom, Learning Attitude, Learning Achiement, the feeling of the teaching strategies


The Research of Relationship among Smile Developing Software, Internet Addiction and Attachment Style

  • 研究生姓名:吳光祥

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 依附風格、網路成癮、微笑

  • 英文關鍵字: attachment styles, internet addiction, smile


Development and Analysis of Affective Learning System Applying in Programming Language Learning

  • 研究生姓名:蘇聖雄

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:104

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感式學習系統、程式語言、認知風格、科技接受模式、學習態度、學習成效

  • 英文關鍵字: affective learning system, program design, cognitive style, technology acceptance model, learning attitudes, learning effects


Development and Research of Affective Learning System Combined with Motion-Sensing Interaction,

Augmented Reality and Mid-Air Projection

  • 研究生姓名:陳昶佑

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 體感科技、擴增實境、浮空投影、情感式學習系統

  • 英文關鍵字: Technology of Motion-Sensing Interaction, Augmented Reality, Mid-Air Projection, Affective Learning System


The Research of the Creation of Cyborg Interactive Art and the Process of Creation with the Interactive Design

  • 研究生姓名:祝菖徽

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 賽博格、數位藝術、互動藝術、互動設計、接受美學

  • 英文關鍵字: Cyborg, Digital Art, Interactive Art, Interactive Design, Aesthetic Acceptance


The Establishment of a Flipped Teaching SPOCs System – An Example on 7th Taipei Arts Festival

  • 研究生姓名:黃絮苹

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 翻轉教學、SPOCs、線上教學系統、情感計算認知風格

  • 英文關鍵字:Flipped Teaching, SPOCs, Small Private Online Course, Online Teaching System, Affective Computung, Cognitive Style

使機器擁有情緒之建置與探討 – 以基於智慧手機的情緒系統為例

A Development and Study of Computers Which Have Emotion Based on Mobile Application with Affective System

  • 研究生姓名:李旻

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感運算、情緒系統、機器擁有情緒

  • 英文關鍵字: affective computing, emotional systems, computer have emotion


The Development of Mobile Affective Tutoring System on Language Learning

  • 研究生姓名:黃祖萱

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感式家教系統、非同步討論區、行動學習

  • 英文關鍵字: Affective Tutoring System, Asynchronous Discussion Forum, Mobile learning


The Difference of Efficiency between Smart Device Line Group and Homebook in Paper-form for Teacher-

Parent Communication

  • 研究生姓名:葉克樓

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 親師溝通、家庭聯絡簿、智慧型裝置、LINE

  • 英文關鍵字: parent-teach communication, homebook, smart device, LINE


The Design of an Affective Tutoring System Based on the Perspective of Language Learning Anxiety

  • 研究生姓名:趙靖如

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 語言學習焦慮、情緒過濾假說、情感式家教系統、設計式研究法

  • 英文關鍵字: affective filter hypothesis, affective tutoring system, design based research, foreign language learning anxiety


Research on Cognitive Styles and a Mobile Markerless Augmented Reality Interactive Game

  • 研究生姓名:蔡孟君

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、互動技術、認知風格、系統使用性量表(SUS)、使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)

  • 英文關鍵字: Augmented Reality, Cognitive style, Interactive Technology, System usability scale(SUS), Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS)


A Study of the Affective Tutoring System for Music Appreciation Curriculum at the Junior High School Level.

  • 研究生姓名:馬毓君

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感式家教系統、音樂欣賞、學習動機

  • 英文關鍵字: Affective Tutoring System, Music appreciation, Lerning motivation


A Study of Combining Augmented Reality and Motion- Sensing Interactive Technology into a Learning System

  • 研究生姓名:周冠甫

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:103

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、體感科技、互動技術、認知風格、系統使用性

  • 英文關鍵字: augmented reality, cognitive style, interactive technology, motion-sensing, system usability


Applying Augmented Reality on Natural Sciences: the Influence of Combining Cognitive Style with

Cooperative Learning

  • 研究生姓名:王聖天

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:102

  • 中文關鍵字: 無標記擴增實境、認知風格、合作學習

  • 英文關鍵字: Markerless Augmented Reality, Cognitive Style, Cooperative Learning


The Development of an Affective Tutoring System for Japanese Language Learners

  • 研究生姓名:温浩明

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:102

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感運算、情感式家教系統、中文語意辨識、第二語言學習、VAK學習風格

  • 英文關鍵字: affective computing, affective tutoring system, semantic recognition, second language learning, VAK learning style

情感設計、使用行為與使用價值關係之研究- 以智慧型手機為例

The Relationships among Emotional Design, Usage Behavior and Usage Value-An Example of Smartphones

  • 研究生姓名:邱昭榮

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:102

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感設計、使用行為、使用價值、智慧型手機、中介效果

  • 英文關鍵字: emotional design, usage behavior, usage value, smart phone, mediating effect.


Development and Application of an Affective Tutoring System in an Emotional Design Course

  • 研究生姓名:王政弘

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:102

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感運算、情感式教學系統、文字情緒、臉部表情

  • 英文關鍵字: affective computing, affective tutoring system, text emotional, facial expression


A Study on the Satisfaction to the Course Registration Systems-- An Example on Elementary Schools of

Southern Taiwan

  • 研究生姓名:吳宗彥

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:102

  • 中文關鍵字: Xoops、線上選課系統、滿意度

  • 英文關鍵字:Xoops, online course selection system, satisfaction


The Evaluation on the Usability of the Web-Based Affective Tutoring System

  • 研究生姓名:鄭育程

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 使用者互動滿意度、使用性、情感式家教系統、場依賴、情感運算、場獨立

  • 英文關鍵字: questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction, affective tutoring system, affective computing, usability, field Independent, field Dependent


The Establishment of a Multi-Modal Affective Learning System – An Example on Emotional Design

  • 研究生姓名:謝政諺

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 皮膚電位、臉部表情、文字情緒、情感式學習系統、情感運算、腦波、專注力

  • 英文關鍵字: GSR, Galvanic Skin Response, ALS, Affective Learning System, Affective Computing, Facial Expression, Brainwave, Attention

國中學生使用擴增實境之學習動機與學習成效之評估- 以天文學習為例

The Assessment of Middle School Students’ Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness through implementing

Augmented Reality-Based Learning System in Astronomy Learning

  • 研究生姓名:林禹璁

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 學習成效、認知風格、擴增實境

  • 英文關鍵字: Learning Effectiveness, Cognitive Style, Augmented Reality


The Effects of Students'' Cognitive Styles upon Applying AR to Learn Headlamp Wiring System

  • 研究生姓名:李昱廷

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 學習成效、使用性評估、擴增實境、認知風格

  • 英文關鍵字: Usability Test, Augmented Reality, Cognitive Styles, Learning Effectiveness


The Development and Application of an Augmented Reality Technique Enhanced English Teaching and

Learning Environment for Junior High School Students

  • 研究生姓名:謝旻儕

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 學習成效、學習動機、英語學習、行動擴增實境、擴增實境、序列分析

  • 英文關鍵字:learning achievement, learning motivation, English learning, mobile augmented reality, Augmented reality, sequential analysis

《SENSE II》視覺影像結合舞蹈之跨領域創作與研究

A Study on an Interdisciplinary Artwork Creation Based on Visual an Dance Design

  • 研究生姓名:楊宇辰

  • 學位類別:

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 跨領域藝術、數位藝術、視覺影像、表演藝術、抽象、 創作歷程

  • 英文關鍵字:creative process, abstract, Interdisciplinary art, digital art, visual animation, performing art


The Study on Practicing Micro-teaching Technique in the Micro-learning Classroom

  • 研究生姓名:曾國章

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 微型教學、微縮教室、教學技能、教師評鑑

  • 英文關鍵字:micro-learning classroom, teaching skill, teacher evaluation, micro-teaching


A study of the effects of Mobile augmented reality system experiential value and user attitudes on Museum Visitors'

Revisit Intention

  • 研究生姓名:周哲宇

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、系統使用性、體驗價值、重遊意願、博物館

  • 英文關鍵字:Augmented Reality, System Usability, Experiential Value, Revisit Intention, Museum

情感式家教系統對不同認知風格國小學童學習成效之影響- 以海洋教育為例

The Effect of Affective Tutoring System with Cognitive Style on Students’ Learning Achievement -

An Example on Sea Education

  • 研究生姓名:謝宜君

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感式家教系統、認知風格、學習成效、系統使用性、 學習動機

  • 英文關鍵字:System Usability, Learning achievement, Cognitive Style, Affective Tutoring System, Motivated Strategies for Learning

以情感式家教系統進行補救教學對學習成效影響之研究─ 以會計學為例

The impact of remedial instruction using Affective Tutoring Systems to learning effectiveness of accounting

  • 研究生姓名:薛雅萍

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感運算、學習成效、補救教學、情感式家教系統、會計學

  • 英文關鍵字:Affective Computing, remedial instruction, learning effectiveness, Affective Computing, Accounting


The Impact of Affection Tutoring System and Information Literacy on Elementary School Students’Cognitive Load

and Learning Effect--Using Dengue Fever Prevention Program as an Example

  • 研究生姓名:李佳勳

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 認知負荷、情感式家教系統、資訊素養、智慧型家教系統、登革熱

  • 英文關鍵字:Intelligence Tutoring Systems, Affection Tutoring System, information literacy, cognitive load, dengue fever


Text analysis of therelati onship between emotionaltext on Facebook wall

  • 研究生姓名:黃信華

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 關鍵字比較法、資訊檢索、SVM、塗鴨牆、Facebook

  • 英文關鍵字:SVM, Graffiti wall, Facebook, Information Retrie


The Usability Evaluation of Employing Eye Movement Analysis in Augmented Reality Digital Learning System

  • 研究生姓名:林宗毅

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:101

  • 中文關鍵字: 使用性評估、擴增實境、眼動分析

  • 英文關鍵字:evaluation of usability, augmented reality, eyes movement analysis


The influencing factors of the outcomes for students’ online community course in Tainan, Kaohsiung Digital

Opportunity Centers.

  • 研究生姓名:鄭馨雅

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:100

  • 中文關鍵字: 數位機會中心

  • 英文關鍵字:Digital Opportunity Center


The Influence of Aesthetic Acceptance, Service Quality, and Playability on Visitors’ Satisfaction toward

Digital Art Exhibitions

  • 研究生姓名:謝宗遠

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:100

  • 中文關鍵字: 可玩性、服務品質、接受美學、忠誠度、滿意度

  • 英文關鍵字:Playability, Service Quality, Receptional Aesthetic, Loyalty, Satisfaction


Exploring the Responding Time of Peer Interaction of Asynchronous Discussion

  • 研究生姓名:楊明輝

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:100

  • 中文關鍵字: 互動的學習環境、合作學習、分享學習、意見反饋學習參與

  • 英文關鍵字:Learning Feedback, Asynchronous Discussion, Interactive Learning, Collaborative Learning, Sharing Learning


Employing Multi-Modal Affective Computing Techniques to Design the Human-Computer Interface of an Intelligent

Tutoring System - An Example on Digital Arts Learning

  • 研究生姓名:黃祖菁

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:100

  • 中文關鍵字: 臉部表情、文字情緒、智慧型家教系統、情感式家教系統、數位藝術、情感運算

  • 英文關鍵字:Digital Art, Affective Computing, Digital Learni


Employing a Dual-Modal Emotion Recognition Mechanism to Design an Affective Tutoring System

  • 研究生姓名:簡銘寬

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:100

  • 中文關鍵字: 情感運算、情感式家教系統、智慧型家教系統、雙模情緒辨識機制

  • 英文關鍵字:Affective Computing, Affective Tutoring System, Intelligent Tutoring System, Dual-Modal Emotion Recognition

運用情感運算技術結合智慧型家教系統之設計與評估- 以數位藝術課程為例

The Design and Evaluation of Using Affective Computing Techniques with Intelligent Tutoring System -

An Example on Digital Arts Course

  • 研究生姓名:林敬偉

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:99

  • 中文關鍵字: 數位藝術、智慧型家教系統、情感式教學系統、情感運算、互動設計

  • 英文關鍵字:Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Affective Tutoring System, Affective Computing, Digital Art, Interaction Design


The Impacts of the IT/IS Evaluation Methodologies and Organizational Characteristics on IT/IS Benefits for Hospitals

  • 研究生姓名:陳宣佑

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:99

  • 中文關鍵字: IT/IS資源評估分配、IT成熟度、IT/IS評估方法IT/IS效益

  • 英文關鍵字:IT/IS evaluation resources allocation, IT maturity, IT/IS evaluation methodology, IT/IS benefit


The Evaluation on Usability and Learning Effects of an AR- Based 3D Geometry Learning System

  • 研究生姓名:陳眉期

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:99

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、立體幾何、使用性測試、學習成效

  • 英文關鍵字:Augmented reality, Usability Test, Learning Effectiveness, 3D Geometry


Affective Computing Based on Ontology and Fuzzy Inference

  • 研究生姓名:方仁穎

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:98

  • 中文關鍵字: 本體論、情緒辨識、情感運算、模糊推論

  • 英文關鍵字:Emotion Recognition, Affective Computing, Fuzzy Inference, Ontology


Establishing an Emotion Recognition Mechanism Based on Micro Blog Corpora

  • 研究生姓名:周嵩能

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:98

  • 中文關鍵字: 微網誌、情緒辭典、情緒辨識、機器學習

  • 英文關鍵字:emotion lexicon, emotion recognition, micro blog, machine learning


Employing Usability Evaluation to Analyze an Affective AR- Based Interface

  • 研究生姓名:許純蓓

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:98

  • 中文關鍵字: 擴增實境、情緒回饋、使用性測試、認知風格

  • 英文關鍵字:Augmented reality, Usability Test, Emotional feedback


An Emotion Recognition Mechanism Based on Mutual Information and Semantic Clues

  • 研究生姓名:王偉哲

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:98

  • 中文關鍵字: 情緒辨識、支持向量機、語意線索、交互訊息

  • 英文關鍵字:Mutual Information, Emotion Recognize, SVM, Semantic Clues


Research on the Effects of English Teaching with 3D Panoramic Computer Skill Application

  • 研究生姓名:張紹元

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:106

  • 中文關鍵字: 3D環景技術、自我學習、學習成效、AR、VR

  • 英文關鍵字: 3D panoramic computer skill, self-learning, learning motivation, AR(Augmented Reality), VR(Virtual Reality)


The Impacts of the Information Technology Evaluation Methodologies and Organizational Characteristics on B2B

E-Commerce Benefits for Hospitals

  • 研究生姓名:洪聖翔

  • 學位類別:碩士

  • 畢業年度:98

  • 中文關鍵字: 資訊科技評估方法、資訊科技成熟度、資源分配、B2B電子商務效益

  • 英文關鍵字:B2B e-commerce, IT maturity, resources allocation, IT evaluation methodology