Supervised Theses & Research 

NOHFC Intern - Project Leader and Supervisor

Mitacs Globalink Research Internship project - Project Leader and Supervisor

NOHFC Intern - Project Leader and Supervisor

SSHRC Institutional Grant 2020 

PhD/ DBA Thesis Supervision

PhD Examiner

MSc Dissertations (Assistant Supervisor) - University of Birmingham, UK

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Supervisor) - Algoma University, Canada

Undergraduate Dissertation/Internship (Supervisor) 

- Irfan Mowlah : Factors Driving IIT within ASEAN countries (Published in Applied Economics)

- Fathimath Naaheen : The impact of immigration on host country’s wages: the experience of Canada 

- Fabia Rahman : Foreign Capital Inflows and Economic Growth in Developing Nations: An Empirical Approach 

- Sundas Rehman : Female Education and Labour Force Participation in Developing Countries