Short Bio

I am a Professor in the Department of Finance, Economics, and Decision Sciences, School of Business and Economics at Algoma University. I am a Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO),  a member of the International Migration Research Centre (IMRC), Adjunct Faculty at Thompson Rivers University, and a research associate of the NORDIK Institute. I was a Visiting Researcher at Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University, and the Guest Editor of the Journal of Risk and Financial Management. I was an academic at the University of Bath, University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, and Multimedia University, among others. I received my Ph.D. (International Economics & Finance), supervised by Professor Anindya Banerjee (an econometrician), and M.Sc. (Development Economics) from the Department of Economics, University of Birmingham, UK. My research interests include international finance, international trade, labor migration, economics of institutional quality, climate action, and environmental policy. I am currently working on the Northern Ontario Labour Market & Migration, Global Capital Resilience, and Climate Crisis and Migration. I published in the International Review of Financial Analysis, European Journal of Political Economy, The World Economy, Applied Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance, IZA Journal of Development and Migration, and Journal of Clnear Production, among others. My research projects were funded by government bodies including the SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), SSHRC Institutional Grants, Mitacs Globallink Research Internship (GRI) program, Canada; the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Education, Malaysia;  and the Overseas Research Students Award Scheme, UK.  My research projects were also funded by Ryerson University (Canada), Algoma University (Canada), University of Birmingham (UK), and Multimedia University (Malaysia). I worked as a principal consultant for an iDE project funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK; and the Australian Aid (AusAid).