Here at, our #1 goal is to support you on your journey to deeper self-awareness and greater confidence. Not only will you find the best numerology readings and most accurate astrology charts, but countless other powerful tools for building personal development skills.

Here at, our #1 goal is to support you on your journey to deeper

self-awareness and greater confidence. Not only will you find the best numerology readings and most accurate astrology charts, but countless other powerful tools for building personal development skills.

Numerology Reading

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You can also download our app, which contains a free 8-page personal reading and three different chart making programs. Upgrading is optional and gives you access to the whole collection of 18 personal readings.

The traits and talents you were born with (derived from your birth name), combined with the events and influences you encounter throughout your life (governed by your birth date), make you who you are today. As you can see, the place wherea number is found, is therefore extremely important in the delineation of your numerology reading.

Throughout the process of calculating your numbers, you will find links to articles relating to that particular area of your chart. You might also want to check out our numerology course which includes numerous audio lectures, in case you want to learn numerology as opposed to just learning your numbers and their meaning. The course is free.

Using his advanced system of numerology, Josh breaks the hidden code that creates a matrix in each of us, revealing your true purpose and life path, hidden talents and abilities, plus any blocks to your happiness, abundance, and success.

Yogic Numerology is based on numerology as the mathematics of the universe, and the wisdom of the Ten Bodies. It is a simple and accessible divination tool to illuminate the path, skills, and nature of the human soul.

A Yogic Numerology reading uses your birthdate to generate five key numbers: the Soul Number, the Karma Number, the Gift Number, the Destiny Number, and the Path Number. These numbers each correspond to one of the Ten Bodies, and together can give you information about your unique gifts, challenges, and opportunities in this lifetime.

Kundalini Yoga, with its systemized kriyas, works to balance and activate the Ten Bodies. A regular practice is a great way to work on all Ten Bodies at once. But the insight from a Yogic Numerology reading may provide useful insight into your own strengths and weaknesses, and help you plan a fulfilling sadhana and practical course of action.

In this episode, I conduct a live Numerology reading with Catie Fenn. We chatted about relationships, expectations, and the personal processes one must go through to open the energy to love and conscious relationships.

This reading is extremely helpful for the teen or for parents of an adolescent or teen to show strengths, talents and gifts affecting life purpose. Teen sessions will only be done with the permission of a parent if the teen is under the age of 18.

I just finished my session with Jeannette. I must say the entire time she gave me goose bumps. It was so accurate beginning from my childhood to the upcoming future. Too bad not too many people understand the concept of numerology reading.

For those of you that want to understand the purpose of your being on this Earth and following the path of your destiny please book a reading with Jeannette and be ready to not only being educated but also fascinated. Many thanks beautiful angel. I enjoyed every minute of your knowledge and thank you for leading me to my path. 

I have to say after spending an hour with Jeannette going over my intuitive career reading I was amazed. It was clear after the first few minutes that she knows what she is doing both with her number reading and the information she shared from her guides. She helped me clarify that I have chosen the right path, and what I should concentrate my energy on moving forward. This has been an exhilarating experience for me and would recommend it to anyone.

A numerologist arranges and studies the numbers in a numerology number chart. Oneof the premium features about us, AstroSage, is that you can get a free numerologychart report here. A numerology reading can make you learn your life path number,expression number and hearts desire number among many others. These numbers canthen be used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individualswhere you can discover insights about your purpose and personality traits by workingout things like.

There is no need to spend too much time on finding a numerology specialist. OurVarta panel is the place where you will find yourself full of options to choosefrom. You can consult your numerologist online and get your online free numerology reading.Our numerologists do not only help you with the numerology report but also helpyou understand what your numerology chart has in store. Once you get your onlinenumerology reading, you will be introduced to your magical life deciding numbers.

You will find the measurement methods and brief introduction to your way of life,speech, heart desire and personality numbers in your Numerology Chart summary. Itwill include a listing of 27 numbers in your number chart and a balancing diagramwhich shows that the numbers 1 to 9 are distributed within the chart itself. Soyou see a numerology chart can be fairly complex. But worry not, at Varta you canget a free numerology reading plus essential meanings of the numbers themselves.

Calculating your numerology chart can help you gain a better understanding of yourkarmic imprints you come into this lifetime with. As you gain a better understandingof these imprints, you can work to find solutions to navigate challenges that arisein your life based on the gifts you brought with you when you were born.

There are several calculations in a numerology number reading. These numbers can be rendered in several complexitylayers with different numbers and numbers with different meanings. It can show evena simple reading based on your core numbers. The obstacles in life always come uncalledfor. At any point our marriage, our career or our mental peace can be in a troubledstate. Using your name and date of birth our numerologists can provide you a freenumerology reading not only tell you about yourself but help to provide directionin your life and wellbeing using a combination of your Life Path Number, BirthdayNumber, Soul Urge Number, Expression Number, and Personality Number.

The Soul Number exposes your core desires and fate. This number allows vital informationfrom your numerology chart tobe uncovered by your personal numerologist. Each individual has distinct numbersthat help them determine who they are and what their purpose is in life. Invariably,we also have a Life Path Number that gives us a deeper understanding of our personaljourney, a Destiny Number that helps you recognise your special gifts, and a SoulNumber that is perhaps the most valuable number to quantify because it shows thedeeper you are and unlocks your core desires and identity.

To calculate your destiny number in numerology, you need to use your full birth name as it appears on your birth certificate. Each letter in your name is assigned a specific numerical value. All you need to do is add them up!

The number of duality, "Two," represents harmony. This number brings peace and diplomacy above all else. They are the peacekeepers of numerology, hating conflict above all else. You just want everyone to get along! You can see all sides of an argument, which is great for compromising but not so great when they need to stand by their convictions. Twos crave unconditional love above all else. They are also one of the most intuitive numbers in numerology, drawn to Tarot cards, palmistry, and other forms of divination.

Think about how every human being is a mixture of unique personality traits that allow them to affect the world in unique ways. It's the same with the numbers of Numerology! The single-digit numbers 1-9 form the basis of Numerology, and each of these number symbols carries a different energy. Whether these numbers are part of your birth date, come up in your Numerology reading, or you simply see the same numbers everywhere you look, understanding the meaning of each number helps you understand their impact on your life. With the beautiful number 6, it's all about love.

Will the loving power of the 6 show up in YOUR Numerology reading? It may be your Destiny number, Personality number, Expression number, or one of the many others that make up your personal Numerology. Where it lands in a Numerology reading reveals more clues, but no matter what you are sure to feel its warmth and kindness!

In this powerful 75 minute reading, Pragito will use your birth date to find your Soul/Lifetime number and your Growth Cycle and Growth Year numbers. She will then read the Cards for you with your specific numbers.

An initial numerology session will contain a basic breakdown of your base numbers in your birth date. For example, what does the month you were born in mean? And what does your exact day of birth say about you? How about gaining clarity on your life path and understanding more about your bigger reason as to what you came here to do? 2351a5e196

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