Convert a number to a US English word representation. Convert a number to USD currency and check writing amounts rounded to 2 decimal places. Choose to have words for the numbers in lowercase, uppercase or title case to easily copy and paste to another application.

I value the developers at, and in their tutorial here, it specifically says "to_i converts things to integers (numbers.)" I am wondering why they didn't say "to_i converts STRINGS to integers (numbers.)"

Number Convert To Word

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Since String#to_i picks out only the number characters, it will not work in the way you want. There may be some Rails method related to that, but it surely will not have the method name to_i because its behavior will conflict with the original intent of String#to_i.

Another option is to use recode with the formula column option (drop down in upper left of dialog), click ok when asked if you want to convert to character (JMP converts the new column to character). The result is as provided by Jim but with JMP doing the formula writing.

Hi @HelloWorld

I tried the google translator on web, and after adding a number in it, it gave me that what you need.

Coda has google translator pack, but i think it is in PRO pricing plan.

I m on free plan, but someone else can try this solution, if it is working.

Where 1234 can be changed to whatever number you need and it convert it to a word, the problem is that then you have to extract from the webpage that word, and i have no idea in how to do that, but as seen that @Federico_Stefanato in already in there maybe he could help us

I have a long Microsoft Word document, with some introductory pages. The following body pages are numbered from the last page of the previous document. My question is how to carry those page numbers through a PDF conversion such that the PDF uses them as page labels. I can set the labels manually in Acrobat, but I would prefer an automated solution.

As far as I know, the only control Word has is the page numbers that it puts on the page, which do not necessarily correspond to the page numbers used by Acrobat or other pdf software. PDF software does not pay attention to fictional page numbers but rather looks to the actual number of pages.

You can start your page numbers at any number you want in the Word document using the Format Page Numbers dialog. Those will be the page numbers that show up on the pdf. However, regardless of that numbering, the pdf reader will see the first page as page 1.

I've looked through the community and haven't found any solutions for this but this is how I'd solve it. The word expansions repeat for each group of 3 digits starting from the right i.e. 319,319 becomes Three Hundred Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred Nineteen

1. Create a mapping table to map the digits (Digits table) from 0 to 99 to the words. You could use 2 tables here with one for the units and one for the tens, but the logic for the workflow is easier if you don't have to worry the fact that the numbers from 11-19 are special cases, 14 is Fourteen and not Tenty Four unlike 24, 34, 44, etc.

Use the VALUE function


In one of the cells of the new column, type =VALUE() and inside the parentheses, type a cell reference that contains text stored as numbers. In this example it's cell E23.

Select a column

Select a column with this problem. If you don't want to convert the whole column, you can select one or more cells instead. Just be sure the cells you select are in the same column, otherwise this process won't work. (See Use Paste Special and Multiply below if you have this problem in more than one column.)

Select Text to Columns

The Text to Columns button is typically used for splitting a column, but it can also be used to convert a single column of text to numbers. On the Data tab, click Text to Columns.

Select Apply

The rest of the Text to Columns wizard steps are best for splitting a column. Since you're just converting text in a column, you can click Finish right away, and Excel will convert the cells.

Hey all, I just published my first Python package called word2num. It converts written numbers like "one hundred and twenty-five" or "nine and three quarters" to their numerical values. There are a handful of other packages out there that do this already, but they're mostly no longer maintained and do not support fractional values (the key feature I need for my project).

It supports a variety of types of numbers and uses configurable fuzzy string matching to account for typos. It only supports English at the moment, but contributions for other languages would be more than welcome.

I want to convert big numbers to text, is there any extension or coding example available?

i have already searched the forum and forum and found this but this only provide 5 numbers correctly but after that it shows result in foreign conversion value, i require Indian conversion vale. can anyone please help?

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I am working on a multi-book series where the design calls for the page number to appear as both a standard folio and the folio in English words along side it. Previously I have taken advantage of pre-written scripts to increase productivity and save time, which is addicting. I figured I can thread a series of text boxes to hold the list of number/words but I am determined not to have to type it all manually.

I have been attempting to adapt a script but I am getting frustrated, can anyone give me any advice on what needs to be done? I am not sure how to begin to tell the script to function on the selected numbers or the numbers contained within a particular text frame.

The stringFromNumber function in my script somewhere in this post Numbered list style: "One, two, three, four... converts any number (in a reasonable range) to a string. Since it returns a string, you can immediately insert it into any frame, using something like "yourFrame.contents = stringFromNumber (123). This one is home-brewn, there are also other ways -- a quick google shows lots of hits.

Grabbing a page number is a bit more complicated -- it's not a real number but a code. Therefore, you have to a bit of digging around inside ID's objects. The frame in which the number will appear, is placed onto a page -- its parent object. This parent page has an index, which is the zero-based actual page number -- regardless of any section numbering. The page also has a name, which is the text that appears in the place of a page number code. It's important to realize it is a text, rather than a number, because "AAB" and "Section 1:xliv" are perfectly good page numbers. I suppose you set up your document to have "normal" page numbers, though, so getting the page number for a selected frame would be

To get an entire list of numbers-to-convert, you could set up a paragraph to include automatic numbering. Remember to remove the default period and tab -- you'll only want the numbers. Hit enter enough times to get all the numbers you need, then select all and convert the automatic numbering to text. Then select the frame and run this script:

There are lots of improvements that could be made. A more complicated script could, for example, automatically create a new frame on the correct position per page, set the right font, and insert the number-as-text... But I'll leave it up to your imagination

i am building a chatbot and when i added an input for the chatbot to ask the user for their age i came across a problem what if the user types their age in words like if their age is 14 they can type fourteen or fourteen years old. I wanted to save the input into a variable age so that i can use that variable age later like if i was making a chatbot for a clothing store then depending on the users age i would recommend them some clothing items suited to their age group but now if the user types twelve or twelve years old how will my chatbot interpret what they type in words as a number.

i recently learned about nltk and a little about deep learning in chatbots .

I have some codes in java and I tried to use it using of custom html fields. Its working in html field in draft however we want to able to fill this value (word value) in the other field (single line field or Multiline field) therefore we can also record the data in our SQL. Hope somebody could help how to add this code on my fields.

You can use the Javascript from this page. You can follow the steps on that page to make your own toword.js file (attached here as a .txt file, just rename the extension to .js) that you can place into C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Forms\Forms\js

Note that this assumes your number field uses the CSS class, number. I'm also using a single line field and multi-line field with CSS class names, words and wordsmulti respectively. Here are some examples of the output:

I created a form to enter cheque details - Date, Order to, Amount and Amount in words. I found Alexander posting extremely helpful. However I need to make changes to the script toword.txt to make it comply Australian Printed Cheques.

Tip: Download attached file to avoid confusion cause the system will remember it is a Text file so renaming wont work. You need to open the file with Notepad. Select all and copy then choose Menu- Open a New Notepad and paste then Save As "Toword.js" with a File Type *.* (Not *.TXT) copy it to C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Forms\Forms\js - remember to change the "Server" in the script to your server. e24fc04721

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