
"Congrats to your fantastic book. Such kind of quality in that subject I've never seen before!!! The book is worth every Euro! " - Tobias

"Finished a close read of OKSNAR. Impressive research and will be an enduring reference on Soviet front nuclear matters not limited to Hungary." - C. T.

"This is pretty exceptional work. This book is written by three Hungarians who have researched the topic for years, and they've done a very good job.

What follows is a chronological look at nuclear weapons, units operating or maintaining them, and storage sites. Individual units all get their own chapters, and are often covered multiple times as they upgrade weapon systems.

Interspersed are chapters covering relevant historical events, exercises, or important developments. The chronological layout is a plus when reading through the book as you can follow how everything happened. There are also plenty of personal stories and anecdotes included from interviews with personnel who were involved with all of this.

This is an exhaustively researched reference that is useful across numerous fields. Historians will love if because it sheds light on many aspects of the Cold War. Likewise for arms control researchers. Some of the best material involves the RTBs and MRTBs and explaining how they function." - The Caffeinated Analyst

"Ismét magánszemélyek magánkiadása révén bővülhet ismeretünk a közelmúlt hadtörténetnek kulcsfontosságú témájáról, a bő harminc éven át Magyarországon állomásoztatott szovjet nukleáris fegyverekről. Az angol nyelven, Oksnar - Fully Assemled State Soviet Nuclear Weapons in Hungary 1961-1991 címen megjelent kötet Becz László, Kizmus Szabolcs és Várhegyi Tamás munkáját dícséri. Nyugodtan mondhatom, hogy a számos kutatási novumot is tartalmazó műnek minden érdeklődő polcán ott a helye, még ha a laikusok számára első pillantásra elrettentően hathat is részletessége, mélysége. " - Zord

"Megláttam, megrendeltem, megkaptam és elsőre el is olvastam az Önök által készített hiánypótló kötetet. Tényleg hiánypótló. " - T.G.