We are happy to announce our book now available to buy in electronic format on the following links:

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=tUUqEAAAQBAJ

Google Book Store: https://books.google.hu/books/about?id=tUUqEAAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y

About physical copies, we are still out of stock, and due to the current global economical challenges unfortunately we are unable to predict when new shipments will be available.

Currently, the physical copies are available only by mail order.

All orders could send to sovietnukesinhungary@gmail.com for processing.


59€ / 65$ / 19.500HUF

Postage cost

Packed book weight: 1400gr

All non-domestic parcels will be sent as tracked international EMS (Print/Express/Priority).

The postage cost may vary, and mainly depends on the destination:

  • domestic: 1860HUF / 5.56€ / 6.5$*

  • within EU: 7600HUF / 25€ / 27$*

  • international with CN22 : 10600HUF / 33€ / 36$*

* minimum fares, exact postage costs may vary

Payment option

Pre-paid, international bank transfer only (sorry no PayPal available due to Hungarian Tax law)

Processing orders

It takes approximately 1-2 business days from the date when the money received. We will inform you when the money has arrived, then send you the tracking number when the book is shipped. The package destination time may vary and depends on your country's local postal service.

Parcel tracking
