Recent Publications

  • Adden, A., Stewart, T.C., Webb, B., and Heinze, S. (submitted) A Neural Model for Insect Steering Applied to Olfaction and Path Integration.

  • Stöckel, A., Stewart, T.C., Eliasmith, C. (2020) Connecting Biological Detail with Neural Computation: Application to the Cerebellar Granule-Golgi Microcircuit. International Conference on Cognitive Modelling.

  • Caron, E.E., Stewart, T.C. (2020) A Distributed Spiking Neuron Model of Attention in the Stroop Task. International Conference on Cognitive Modelling.

  • Stöckel, A., Stewart, T.C., and Eliasmith, C. (2020) A Biologically Plausible Spiking Neural Model of Eyeblink Conditioning in the Cerebellum. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society

  • Jian, P., Stewart, T.C., Olmstead, M.C. (2020) Implementing Incentive Sensitization Theory of Addiction with Nengo Neural Network Simulator. International Conference on Cognitive Modelling.

  • Malhotra, A., Stewart, T.C., Hoey, J. (2020) A Biologically-Inspired Neural Implementation of Affect Control Theory. International Conference on Cognitive Modelling.

  • Turon, R., Friemann, P., Stewart, T.C., Ragni, M. (2020) Re-Implementing a Dynamic Field Theory Model of Mental Maps using Python and Nengo. International Conference on Cognitive Modelling.

Terry Stewart

Terry is an Associate Research Officer with the National Research Council of Canada. His research focus is on computation biological and bio-inspired systems. In particular, he starts by developing computational models of existing biological systems, working to determine the underlying algorithms that are used by biology. Once those algorithms are identified, he then examines whether they would be useful to industry, especially in a situation where they can be run efficiently on modern brain-inspired neuromorphic hardware.

His initial training was as an engineer (B.A.Sc. Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo), and then shifted towards cognitive science (M.Phil. Computer Science in AI, Sussex University and Ph.D. Cognitive Science, Carleton University). He then spent ten years as a post-doctoral Research Associate at the University of Waterloo with the Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience.

Terry est agent de recherche associé au Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Ses recherches portent sur les systèmes de calcul biologique et bio-inspirés. En particulier, il commence par développer des modèles informatiques de systèmes biologiques existants, en travaillant à déterminer les algorithmes sous-jacents qui sont utilisés par la biologie. Une fois ces algorithmes identifiés, il examine ensuite s'ils seraient utiles à l'industrie, en particulier dans une situation où ils peuvent être exécutés efficacement sur du matériel neuromorphique moderne inspiré du cerveau.

Sa formation initiale était celle d'un ingénieur (B.A.Sc. Systems Design Engineering, Université de Waterloo), puis il s'est orienté vers les sciences cognitives (M.Phil. informatique en IA, Université du Sussex et doctorat en sciences cognitives, Université de Carleton). Il a ensuite passé dix ans en tant qu'associé de recherche post-doctorale à l'université de Waterloo au Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience.
