Multimedia Interaction and Intelligent System Lab



Multimedia Interaction and Intelligent System Laboratory (MiiSLab) was founded in February 2023 at the Graduate Institute of A.I. Cross-disciplinary Tech, Industry-Academia Innovation College, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Led by professor Tse-Yu Felix Pan, our mission is to discover and define cross-domain real-world problems, and design and develop practical multimedia systems to deliver to different kinds of users. 

Our research topics include multimedia content analysis/editing/presentation, machine learning, computer vision, human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

We welcome students with high research passion and crazy ideas to join our team and expect our developed multimedia systems can have a great impact on improving human daily life.


🎉 賀!本實驗室與清大胡敏君老師、朱宏國老師之合作論文獲國際期刊 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 接受! (2023.11.06)

🎉 賀!學生陳侑宣、傅承威、黃暐倫、蘇珉淙參加全國大專校院智慧創新暨整合創作大賽,榮獲【體感互動組】第三名! (2023.10.25)




IA Building, 

No.43, Keelung Rd., Sec.4, Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


106335 臺北市大安區基隆路 4 段 43 號 醫揚大樓