




1日目(基本) 9/6(金)

(1) 16:00-17:15 (75分)

「ガロア理論続論」藤井俊(島根大) レジメ

Keywords: 正規底定理,ガロアコホモロジー,Hilbert90,クンマー拡大,類体論,埋め込み問題

参考文献:代数学〈3〉体とガロア理論 [桂, SS 3.2-3.4] (ガロア理論続論),局所類体論 [岩澤,付録,局所体のBrauer群], [Cassels-Froehlich, Chapters IV, V], [Neukirch-Schmidt-Wingberg]

(2) 17:30-18:45 (75分)

「ガロア群の計算」深作亮也(九州大) レジメ

Keywords: 多項式のガロア群の計算,3,4,5,7次の可移部分群,分解多項式,コンピュータによる実演

参考文献:[Jensen-Ledet-Yui, Chapter 2, SS2.1-2.3]

夕食 19:00~

宵の時間(若手) 20:00-21:30 (予定)

2日目(基本) 9/7(土)

(3) 9:00-10:30 (90分)

「不変体の有理性問題(1)」金井和貴(新潟大D3) レジメ

Keywords: ネーター問題,生成的多項式,ヒルベルト既約性定理, Shanks' simplest cubic,No-name Lemma

参考文献:[Jensen-Ledet-Yui], [Lorenz, Chapter 9]

(4) 10:45-12:15 (90分)

「不変体の有理性問題(2)」長谷川寿人(新潟大D3) レジメ

Keywords: レトラクト有理性,非有理性の証明について,代数的トーラス,Flabby resolution

参考文献:[Lorenz, Chapters 2, 9]

昼食 12:15-13:15

(5) 13:30-14:00 (30分)

「Flabby resolutionのGAPによる計算」山崎愛一(京都大) レジメ

Keywords: GAP, Magma, Flabby class, invertible G-lattices

(6) 14:15-15:30 (75分)

「半単項式作用と有理性問題」星明考(新潟大) レジメ

Keywords: quasi-monomial actions, Severi-Brauer variety, norm residue 2-symbol

参考文献:Hoshi-Kang-Kitayama, Quasi-monomial actions and some 4-dimensional rationality problems, J. Algebra 403 (2014) 262-400.

(7) 15:45-17:15 (90分)

「羃根を含まない体のクンマー理論について」木田雅成(東京理科大) レジメ

Keywords: Rikuna's simple cyclic polynomials, Hashimoto-Miyake construction, dihedral

polynomials, Komatsu's generalized Kummer theory, Descent Kummer theory, algebraic tori

(8) 17:30-18:45 (75分)

「複比の体での有理性問題」角皆宏(上智大) レジメ

Keywords: Brumer's quintic, Noether's problem for $A_5$, wreath products,

rationality problem for fields of cross-ratios

夕食 19:00~

宵の時間(若手) 20:00-21:30 (予定)

3日目(基本) 9/8(日)

(9) 9:00-10:30 (90分)

「有限単純群の分類問題について」田中康彦(大分大) レジメ


(10) 10:45-12:15 (90分)

「ガロワの逆問題と剛性の方法について」佐久川憲児(京都大) レジメ

Keywords: Rigidity method

参考文献:[Malle-Matzat, Chapters 1, 2]

昼食 12:15-13:15



4日目(発展) 9/9(月)

(11) 9:00-10:30 (90分)

「The simplest cubic fields are non-isomorphic to each other ---- exposition of ideas」岡崎龍太郎 レジメ

Keywords: simplest cubic fields, geometry of numbers, gaps between solutions

参考文献:Okazaki, Geometry of a cubic Thue equation, Publ. Math. Debrecen 61 (2002) 267-314.

(12) 10:45-12:15 (90分)

「ガロア群の構成問題の明示解の活用~明示的な多項式があると出来ること~」角皆宏(上智大) レジメ

Keywords: Brumer's quintic, Noether's problem for $A_5$, wreath products,

rationality problem for fields of cross-ratios

昼食 12:15-13:15

(13) 13:30-14:45 (75分)

「$PSL_2(F_l)$に対するガロワの逆問題について」佐久川憲児(京都大) レジメ

参考文献:David Zywina, The inverse Galois problem for $PSL_2(F_p)$,

Duke Math. J. 164 (2015) 2253--2292.

(14) 15:00-16:00 (60分)

「Rationality problem for algebraic tori」長谷川寿人(新潟大D3) レジメ

Keywords: stably rational, retract rational, Krull-Schmidt theorem, Mathieu groups

参考文献:[Voskresenskii, Chapters 2, 3], [Hoshi-Yamasaki], arXiv:1811.01676, arXiv:1811.02145

(15) 16:15-17:15 (60分)

「Norm one tori and Hasse norm principle」金井和貴(新潟大D3) レジメ

Keywords: Hasse principle, Shafarevich-Tate groups, weak approximation, Tamagawa numbers, R-equivalence in algebraic groups

参考文献:[Voskresenskii, Chapters 4, 5, 6]

(16) 17:30-18:45 (75分)

「不分岐Brauer群と不変体の有理性問題」谷本祥(熊本大) レジメ

Keywords: Unramified Brauer groups, Bogomolov's formula, isoclinism family

参考文献:F. Bogomolov, C. Boehning, Isoclinism and stable cohomology of wreath products,

Birational geometry, rational curves, and arithmetic, 57-76, Springer, 2013.

夕食 19:00~

今後のSS 20:00-21:00 (予定)

5日目(発展) 9/10(火)

(17) 9:00-10:30 (90分)

「3次不分岐コホモロジー群とネーター問題」星明考(新潟大) レジメ

Keywords: Unramified/stable cohomology groups, Bogomolov multiplier, integral Hodge conjecture

参考文献:Hoshi-Kang-Yamasaki, arXiv:1710.01958v2.

(18) 10:30-10:45 (15分)

「3次不分岐コホモロジー群のGAPによる計算」山崎愛一(京都大) レジメ

Keywords: Saltman's formula, Peyre's formula, Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence,

permutation/geometrically negligible classes

(19) 11:00-12:30 (90分)

「野性McKay対応概説 -数論的視点と最新成果-」安田健彦(東北大) レジメ

Keywords: マッカイ対応,モジュライ空間,特異点,整数論

昼食 12:45-13:45



[Berhuy] An introduction to Galois cohomology and its applications MR2723693

[Bogomolov-Hassett-Tschinkel] Birational geometry, rational curves, and arithmetic MR3114920

[Bogomolov-Tschinkel] Cohomological and geometric approaches to rationality problems MR2640480

[Cassels-Froehlich] Algebraic number theory MR3618860

[Colliot-Thelene-Sansuc] The rationality problem for fields of invariants under linear algebraic groups (with special regards to the Brauer group) MR2348904

[Elman-Karpenko-Merkurjev] The algebraic and geometric theory of quadratic forms MR2427530

[Garibaldi-Merkurjev-Serre] Cohomological invariants in Galois cohomology MR1999383

[Gille-Szamuely] Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology MR2266528

[Gorchinskiy-Shramov] Unramified Brauer group and its applications MR3837107

[Hoshi-Yamasaki] Rationality problem for algebraic tori MR3685951

[Jensen-Ledet-Yui] Generic polynomials MR1969648

[Knus-Merkurjev-Rost-Tignol] The book of involutions MR1632779

[Kollar-Smith-Corti] Rational and nearly rational varieties MR2062787

[Lorenz] Multiplicative invariant theory MR2131760

[Malle-Matzat] Inverse Galois theory MR1711577

[Manin] Cubic forms MR833513

[Neukirch-Schmidt-Wingberg] Cohomology of number fields MR2392026

[Poonen] Rational points on varieties MR3729254

[Saltman] Lectures on division algebras MR1692654

[Serre1] A course in arithmetic MR344216

[Serre2] Linear representations of finite groups MR450380

[Serre3] Local fields MR554237

[Serre4] Lectures on the Mordell-Weil theorem MR1757192

[Serre5] Topics in Galois theory MR2363329

[Totaro] Group cohomology and algebraic cycles MR3185743

[Voskresenskii] Algebraic groups and their birational invariants MR1634406