Keep Cancer Away

- 佳林國中




Jialin Junior High School has joined the New Taipei City Bilingual Strategic Alliance since the 110th Academic Year. Over the three years, we have introduced bilingual learning in some subjects, starting with Health Education and Home Economics, and implementing bilingual learning in a few other classes as a pilot project.

In the 111th Academic Year, we applied for the Ministry of Education's "Health and Fitness, General Field/Health Education, and Home Economics" program bilingual education implementation plan, and conducted year-round curriculum planning to provide teachers and students with more learning and teaching resources.

In the 112th Academic Year, the curriculum has been expanded by adding the subject "Counseling Activities", as well as hiring a "full-time English teaching assistant". Through the planning of a diversified curriculum, we hope to provide students with more opportunities to learn and communicate in English, while also encouraging students to participate in a variety of activities to increase their horizons and motivate them to learn English on and off campus.