Diversity Statement

I can readily articulate my dedication to diversity, just as I can easily articulate my responses to the physical, emotional, social, and institutional impediments that continuously remind some of us of our differences. Growing up as a child, there was a minor and no college fund. Nevertheless, I completed undergraduate and graduate school while working because of my enduring energy, relentless drive, and academic brilliance. My fundamental ideals of social justice, service, and honesty have served as a compass throughout my academic career. My parents were and continue to be progressive, service-minded individuals who instilled in me the value of political understanding and community participation.

Besides, growing up and schooling in a country (Ghana) with extensive ethnic diversity, home to more than 100 ethnic groups. Surrounded by French-speaking neighbors, i.e., Côte d’Ivoire, to the west, Burkina Faso, which lies north, and Togo, to the east, opens the door to learn and live with diversity. My upbringing in this heterogeneous community and my interactions with international students at Sunyani Technical University (STU) and the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) have taught me the value and difficulties of working in pluralistic groups. Working in such an atmosphere enabled me to raise Ghanaians’ and non-Ghanaians’ knowledge of cross-cultural subtleties. Additionally, it allowed for increased interaction between Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians and provided activities that specifically encouraged non-native English speakers to practice speaking, presenting, and writing in English. These initiatives increased multicultural understanding and educational quality for minority students while teaching foreign and Ghanaian students how to operate in international contexts. I look forward to using my expertise, talents, and position to promote excellence, fairness, equity and diversity at my institution and in society.