NSML Project


ACTIVITY 1 - Strategy and Model for Resource Orchestration with Energy Efficiency in Network Slicing

This activity aims to identify a strategy for resource orchestration, considering energy use as a resource and energy efficiency in the lifecycle of network slicing for 5G/6G networks.

The life cycle of 5G/6G networks is based on the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), and the network slicing architecture used as a reference in this activity will be the architecture defined in the SFI2 project (Sliced Future Internet Architecture).

ACTIVITY 2 - Strategy and Model for Orchestrating Edge Computing Resources with Machine Learning

This activity aims to define two models for the orchestration of edge resources considering two specific scenarios:

In edge computing supporting 5G/6G services, the focus is optimizing communication resources and operation in network slicing.

In edge computing for IoT, the focus is optimizing message exchange and communication resources using the Publish/Subscribe paradigm in network slicing.

ACTIVITY 3 - Best Practices for Agent Design

This activity aims to consolidate the best practices for designing localized and distributed agents according to the experience acquired with the execution of activities 1 and 2 of the NSML project.

It is a fact that the design and development of machine learning agents are still done intuitively by most researchers, and the purpose of this activity is to identify, formalize and disseminate the best practices that the community can use to create agents more methodologically and systematically. Another way to understand the idea of this activity is to link the computational theory of agent creation with the practice of its users.


ACTIVITY 4 - Dissemination

This permanent activity corresponds to the dissemination of the results of the NSML Project through workshops, lectures, and institutional articulations.