NSF REU Site : Cybersecurity Research of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

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About this REU Site

This Site focuses on the cybersecurity research for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The site integrates fundamental and state-of-the-art cybersecurity research using UAVs as the platform. Participants will join the Cybersecurity and Assured Systems Engineering (CyBASE) Center, Kandel Research lab, Wireless Devices and Electromagnetics (WiDE) lab, and for research. REU participants will engage in faculty-led projects such as UAV cyber-attacks, UAV cyber defense mechanisms, privacy protection methods for UAV communications, and Physical Layer-based cybersecurity.  By conducting diverse but coherent research projects, participants will acquire extensive knowledge and practical experience in cybersecurity research for UAVs.


Applicant Eligibility

Applicants must meet the following criteria

We are especially committed to encouraging applicants who are underrepresented in computing (e.g., Women, African Americans, Hispanics, Native American, Pacific Islanders, persons with disabilities, etc.) or enrolled in a minority serving, or non-doctoral institution.

Applications must be submitted through the NSF Education & Training Application (ETAP) System. Click here to start your application!

Laxima Niure Kandel, Ph.D. (PI)

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Phone: (386)226-6323

Email: niurekal@erau.edu

Ilhan Akbas, Ph.D. 


Associate Professor of Computer Science

Phone: (386)226-7922

Email: akbasm@erau.edu