Laxima Niure Kandel

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida

Phone: (386)-226-6323


Office: Lehman 354


Dr. Niure Kandel is an assistant professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at Daytona Beach, Florida. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ in 2020 where she was awarded the outstanding dissertation award for her doctoral work.  Her research interests include  Anomaly and Fault Detection Using ML/AI,  UAV Security (Physical Layer Based Approach), GPS Spoofing Mitigation, Information Security and WiFi Localization and Sensing.

Latest News

March 2024: Dr. Kandel serves as the session chair for SoutheastCon 2024 Virtual Conference.

March 2024: 👨‍🏫  Our paper titled "Performance evaluation of routing protocols for UAV-assisted post disaster communication networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEESoutheastCon 2024! Congratulations Prachi! 🔗Link

February 2024: Dr. Kandel serves as the panelist for the ICAO-Industry Consultative Forum (ICF), Fourth meeting ( 5 and 6 February 2024)

February 2024: 🏆 Dr. Kandel is the PI for NSF project "Experiential 'Accessible Learning Labs' for Promoting Inclusive Software Development ". This is a collaborative project with Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). 🔗Link

February 2024: 2024 summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site "Cybersecurity Research of UAVs" is now accepting applications. 🔗Link

February 2024: Dr. Kandel serves as the Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for SoutheastCon 2024.

October 2023: Dr. Kandel serves as the Program Committee (PC) member for WiCyS 2024.

October 2023: Dr. Kandel serves as the panelist for N2Women Meeting "Academia or Industry: How Should Female Researchers Navigate Their Career Choices"?

July 2023: Dr. Kandel serves as the TPC member for IEEE ICC'24

June 2023: Dr. Kandel is appointed as lab director for Cybersecurity Engineering Laboratory!🔗Link

May 2023: Dr. Kandel serves as a TPC member for LCN 2023!🔗Link

April 2023: Dr. Kandel in the recent news coverage! 🗞️Link

April 2023: Raju passed the PhD Qualifying Exam! Congratulations, Raju!  🍾

February 2023: 🏆Dr. Kandel awarded NSF REU grant! If you are undergraduate student interested in summer 2023 research Apply here

November 2022: Dr. Kandel is CyBASE associate director !

August 2022: Welcome to our new lab member, Raju Dhakal. Raju is a PhD student working on UAV security using Physical Layer approach

July 2022: Dr. Kandel serves as a TPC member for IEEE ICC'23 - SAC -03 EH Track

July 31st -August 4th, 2022: Dr. Kandel finished with intense 1-week Cybersecurity summer camp for students ages 14-18. Students enjoyed creating viruses and password hacking!

June 2022: Dr. Kandel is now a collaborator with Center of Aerospace Resilience (CAR)!

May 2022: Dr. Kandel serves as NSF panelist