PTA Officer Nominations


Fill out this form if you are interested:

The NRMS PTA nominating committee is now accepting nominations for the following Executive Officer positions for the PTA Executive Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Members at Large. We welcome all nominations and will strive to create a diverse and balanced roster of applicants that accurately represent our school's demographic. Our goal is to see that every parent has a voice on our PTA and is given the chance to become actively involved in enriching the educational opportunities at our school. You may nominate as many candidates as you choose, whether it be yourself or a parent you know would be a great addition to our PTA board!

Please submit your nominations via email at Be sure to include the nominee's name and contact information (email and phone number), position they are being nominated for, and any special qualities you think make them a perfect candidate for that position.

Nominations must be received no later than April 30, 2021.

Job Descriptions:

President: Serve as leader and key contact for the PTA; preside at all PTA meetings; ex-officio member of committees; appoint chairpersons for committees; coordinate the work of the officers and committees so that the PTA's objectives can be met. (Effort: Year-round, on-going)

Vice President: Act as an aide to the President; perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board; coordinate the general activities of any Special Committees created by the Executive Board. Ideally - is willing to serve as President in the future. (Effort: year-round, time varies depending upon roles)

Secretary: Keep the minutes of all general meetings and all meetings of the Executive Board; prepare correspondence and perform all other duties assigned; maintain master documents; keep the calendar of events for the PTA. (Effort: 3-4 hours per month, includes attending meeting and typing up minutes)

Treasurer: Be responsible for and have custody of all funds; make disbursements as properly authorized; be present at all PTA events where money will be collected; assure that PTA policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare financial reports for each meeting and as needed; prepare the books for an annual audit. (Effort: 4-5 hours per month, average)

Member-at-Large: Voting member on Executive Board; perform other duties as assigned. (Effort: 2-3 hours per month)