
Decibelles is No Re-Choir-Ment A Cappella's premier, all female a cappella ensemble. The group is comprised of soprano and alto parts as well as vocal percussion  and ranges from 10-15 members. 

The ladies of Decibelles place high value on sisterhood, empowerment, and fun. 

Decibelles performs mostly pop music, but dabbles in a variety of genres as well. Their performances involve not only stunning and well balanced vocals, but also dynamic visuals to create a fun to watch (and fun to perform) set at each performance.

The ladies of Decibelles are always excited to welcome new "baby belles" at the start of each semester with open arms!

Meet The Belles

Brooke MacDonald- Soprano 1

Brook is studying elementary education with a minor in psychology and is from Peoria, Illinois. Outside of singing her hobbies include running, listening to music, and hanging out with friends

(2 semester in NRCM)

Kaitlyn George - Soprano 2

Kaitlyn is a psychology major with a minor in human development and family services from Sioux City, Iowa. Outside of NRCM, she enjoys hanging out with friends, going on walks, reading, and listening to music. Some of her favorite things are concerts, road trips, strawberries, and Taylor Swift! 

(4 Semesters in NRCM)

Lilah Hegarty - Soprano 2

Lilah is a English education and ESL major and is from Adel, Iowa. Outside of NRCM, she enjoys writing,  camping, entomology, hapkido, and playing video games. 

(3 Semesters in NRCM)

Mason Aucker - Soprano 2/Alto 1

(2 Semesters in NRCM)

 Elizabeth Montes- Alto 2

Ensemble Leader

(3 Semesters in NRCM)

Varunavi Prasad  - Alto 2

Varunavi is studying human development with a family studies minor from Cedar Rapids. Outside of NRCM, she loves to read, write, and sing during her free time! 

(3 Semesters in NRCM)