Attendance & Grade Cap

Attendance is a key factor in student academic progression. Regular attendance typically correlates with better results. As such, Students are expected and required to attend all time-tabled classes regularly and punctually. Being punctual shows respect for others and maximises lesson time for all. This practice cultivates good habits that will serve you well in life. 

Attendance Taking Policy

Please take note of the following:

a)  Please be reminded that there is no grace period for attendance-taking in class.

b)  Late without valid reasons will be marked “Absent".

c)  Students who are unable to attend classes or assessments may apply for MC/Leave Request via the Student Self Service (NPal) within two (2) working days.The relevant documentary evidence/proof should be retained for the school's verification if required.

Grade Cap Policy

a) With effect from Academic Year 2023/2024, a grade cap for a module will be given when a student’s overall attendance rate falls below 70%.
            The final module grade will be capped at the passing grade:

“D” grade for examination and continuous assessment modules; 

“PX” grade for modules graded Pass / Pass with Merit / Fail.

​b)  A first warning email notification will be issued to students and parents/guardians when the overall attendance rate falls below 80% for each module.

​c)  A second and final warning email notification will be issued to students and parents/guardians when the overall attendance rate falls below 73% for each module.

d)  Students who anticipate missing one or more classes should alert the module lecturer/tutor ahead of time, just as they should contact their lecturer/tutor as soon as possible after an absence. Regardless of the reason for the absence, it is the responsibility of the students to catch up with the lessons they ​have missed earlier.