By Public Transport

Getting to school by Public Transport

Along Clementi Road: Bus 52, 61, 74, 75, 151, 154, 184

From Clementi MRT (opposite Clementi Mall, bus stop no.17179): Bus 52, 154, 184

From Beauty World MRT (opposite Beauty World MRT, bus stop no. 42159): Bus 61

From Dover MRT (bus stop no. 19031): Bus 74

From Pei Hwa Presby Pri School (bus stop no. 42071): Bus 41, 52, 61, 66, 67, 75, 77, 157, 170, 170A, 174, 184,852,961,961M,970,985 - Walk 500m to Gate 4 (Pedestrian) behind NP Sports Complex. (Gate closes at 9 pm Monday - Friday. Sundays, Saturdays and Public Holiday closed)