Seth Material

Seth Speaks.pdf

1.Seth  Speaks

1. The first book of Seth material published in 1972

2. 5 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 28 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD6000 or USD200 

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

The Nature of Personal Reality.pdf

2. Seth material 

2. 8 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 48 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD9000 or USD300 

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

The Unknown Reality 1.pdf

3. The Unknown Reality volumeI

1. The third book of Seth material published in 1977

2. 4 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 15 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD5000 or USD185 

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

The Unknown Reality 2.pdf

4.The unknown Reality VolumeII

1. The fourth book of Seth material published in 1979

2. 4 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 22 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD05000 or USD185 

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

The Nature of the Psyche.pdf

5. The Nature of the Psyche

1. The fifth book of Seth material published in 1983

2. 4 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 27 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD5000or USD185 

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.pdf

6.The individual and the Nature of Mass Events

1. The six book of Seth material published in 1981

2. 4 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 16 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD5000 or USD185 

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume 1.pdf

7. Dreams,Evolution, and Value Fulfillment

1. The seventh book of Seth material published in 1986

2. 1 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 5 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD1500 or USD50

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume 2.pdf

8. Dream, Evolution and Value Fulfillment

1. The eighth book of Seth material published in 1986

2. 1 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 5 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD1500 or USD50

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

The Magical Approach.pdf

9. The Magical Approach

1. The ninth book of Seth material published in 1995

2. 1 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, 5 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD1500 or USD50

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin

The Way Toward Health.pdf

10.The way toward Health

1. The tenth book of Seth material published in 1997

2. 4 sessions, 1.5 hrs each,19 page

1hr discussion+0.5 hr interaction

3. read exerpt+quotes+exercises

4. NTD5000 or USD185

5. attendant:1~6 people Taiwan or skype

7.instructor:Nancy Lin