
One on One Class

個人課程一個循環課程有10堂課 NT22,222

One set of classes consists of 10 units for private lessons. 


Each unit lasts 1.5 hr with NT2222 per class(for experience once)

Group Class

團體課程一個循環課程有10堂課 NT5,550

One set of classes consists of 10 units.

每堂課歷時為1小時,每堂為NT555 (適用體驗單堂課)

Each unit lasts 1 hr with   NT555. (for experience class only)

Each class allows up to 6 students. 

Customized class 客製課程


The quotation of each customized class varies. Please contact service for further support. 



First of all, you can find the content you are interested in, and check your available time. Our consultant will evaluate either individual class or group class fit your development.