• Founder and Scientific Leader of the Bonus project-team (since July 2017). Bonus is a spin-off of the previous Inria Dolphin project-team. My main mission is to take part as a leader in all the major decisions regarding the scientific guidelines of the team, to produce the annual activity reports of the team, to prepare and arbitrate the resource and budget requests (post-docs, engineers, etc.) and recruitment, to participate to the meetings of the committee of team leaders of the Inria Lille center, to prepare the four-year evaluation of the team, etc.

  • Deputy leader of the Inria Dolphin project-team (2005-2017). As a founding member of the Dolphin Inria project-team in 2005, I have been its deputy leader during all its lifetime.

  • Member of the Scientific Board of Inria center at Lille. Since February 1st, 2019, I am a member of the scientific board of Inria center at Lille, whose role is to prepare some strategic topics upstream to be discussed by the committee of the team leaders, to give various scientific advises to the Inria board at Lille, to help the researchers of the center in the preparation of their applications to various research positions, to evaluate the proposals for the creation of new project-teams, etc.

  • Ambassador (Chargé de mission) of supercomputing at Université de Lille (since 2010). My major role is to advise the vice-presidents of IT and research (VP Numérique et VP Recherche) of the university in the domain of high-performance computing (HPC) and numerical simulation and to coordinate the related activities in the university. In this context, I set up in 2011 a mutualization process of HPC resources between the university and its partner laboratories. A budget of more than 3M€ has already been pooled since 2011. This process is today our major economic model in terms of HPC equipment in the university. The dynamics impulsed by this process allowed the recruitment of 3 engineers. I have also established partnerships with the major vendors of HPC technologies (Intel and Nvidia), which improve the visibility of the university in HPC and simulation. Finally, I contributed to the creation of the “Maison de la Simulation" at Université de Lille, which promotes synergy between the research teams of the university and increases their visibility in the area of HPC and simulation. Finally, I am the scientific coordinator for University of Lille in the of the nation-wide 20-partners ANR/PIA Equipex+ MesoNet project (2021-2026, Budget: Total: 30M€, For ULille: 2,7M€). The UltraBO proposal is related to the MesoNet project.

  • Scientific leader for Université de Lille of national/European distributed computing infrastructures (since 2005). In 2004, I applied for the university to be a site of the Grid’5000 nation-wide computational testbed within the context of the ACI (now ANR) Grid. The application was successful and since 2005 I am the scientific leader of Grid’5000 at Lille (thus member of the national committee of the 8 site leaders). I am mainly in charge of the development of the site (equipment, human resources, funding, etc.), the supervision of its use with compliance to the user charter, the scientific animation, etc. I have been involved in two nation-wide projects: Aladdin-G5K and Hemera. In 2011, I applied successfully for Université de Lille to join the EGI European testbed (has moved since 9/2016 to the FG-cloud national cloud federation). I am scientific leader of this grid/cloud node at Lille.

  • Chairman of the Commission for the Techological Development (Président de la CDT locale) (2012-2013). After having been a member of the CDT commission during 2 years (2010-2011), I have been appointed chairman of the commission of 10 members. The major role of the CDT was first to evaluate each year the proposals of the Inria teams at Lille related to technological development. Then, the CDT had to supervise the recruitment of the engineers for the accepted proposals. Finally, the CDT ensured the monitoring and evaluation (annual report + talk) of the activities of the engineers on the basis of the work plan they have recruited for.

  • Expert for the evaluation of teaching and research. I have been invited by some teaching and/or research evaluation agencies for the expertise of institutions or research projects. I have also been invited in several PhD and HDR juries.

    • Expert for PRACE (Partnership for Advanced in Europe) - Fast Track COVID-19 Call (2020 and 2021).

    • Expert for the Belgian AEQES government agency in 2011-2012 for the evaluation of the computer science curriculum (Bachelor and Master) in 7 educational institutions. The evaluation process consisted in a SWOT analysis from a manuscript of 80 pages in average, an on-site visit of 2 days with several interviews and an evaluation report. The evaluation process ended with a cross-institution synthesis report including many recommendations. I contributed to the writing of a part of this final report.

    • Expert for government research agencies for the evaluation of research projects including QNRF (5 projects between 2013 and 2015), ANR (France), CONICYT (Chile), NCN (Poland).

    • Scientific collaborator for FPM then UMONS since 2014. As such, I am a member of the advisory committee on programs of the curriculum “Civil Engineer in Computer Science and Management". I am also asked regularly to participate in the juries of PhD theses (3).

    • Member in 30 (4 HDR and 26 PhD) juries, including 6 in Université de Lille, 24 outside (5 of them abroad): 11 as a reviewer (rapporteur), 10 as a chairman of the jury (Président), and 9 as an examiner (examinateur).