scientific animation

  • Edition activities

    • Associate Editor of ACM Computing Surveys, since 2019.

    • Guest and Managing Editor (with P. Korosec, J. Gmys and I. Chakroun) of a special on Synergy between Parallel Computing, Optimization and Simulation in Journal of Computational Science (JoCS), Elsevier, 2019.

    • Guest and Managing Editor (with M. Mezmaz) of a special issue in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience CCPE, Wiley.

    • Guest and Managing Editor (with A. Zomaya and I. Chakroun) of a special issue in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, or JPDC, Elsevier.

    • Guest Editor (with P. Korosec and E-G. Talbi) of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

    • Proceedings LNCS 10835 of “Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications - 8th Intl. Conf., BIOMA 2018, Paris, France, May 16-18, 2018.

  • Conference organization and program committes

    • General Chair of 3 international workshops: Intl. Workshop on Multi/Many-core computing for parallel Metaheuristics (McM’2015) (in conjunction with MIC’2015), Intl. Workshop on Parallel Optimization using / for Multi and Many-core High Performance Computing (POMCO’2016) (in conjunction with HPCS’2016), and Intl. Workshop on Parallel Optimization using / for Multi and Many-core High Performance Computing (POMCO’2016) (in conjunction with HPCS’2016), and Intl. Workshop on the Synergy of Parallel Computing, Optimization and Simulation (PaCOS’2018) (in conjunction with HPCS’2018).

    • Local Chair of the Grid’5000 spring school (April 6-9, 2010, Lille).

    • Organizer of several local workshops on HPC and grid computing.

    • Founder and organizer of an annual series of 5 seminars/trainings since 2014 at Université de Lille. These seminars/trainings, related to numerical simulation and HPC, are given by industrials (IBM, Intel, Nvidia, Atos-Bull, etc.) or researchers from the academic area. They are mutualized between the research community on the topic and teaching (3 masters including mainly the master of scientific computing of Université de Lille).

    • Member of the program committee of the following international conferences and workshops: ACM GECCO, IEEE CEC, MIC, HPCS, CloudTech, IPDPS/PCO, IPDPS/NIDISC), etc.

    • Invited reviewer for the following international journals: ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier), Parallel Computing (Elsevier), Future Generation Computer Systems, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier), Journal of Computational Science (JoCS), Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, etc.