
> If you go to any of the cloud computing may be public cloud or private cloud finally they give you a infrastructure ( RAM AND CPU) , so on the top of RAM AND CPU we can launch your operating system and on the top of operating system to run your application.

> if you run your os own your hardware so we can use a term called On-premises or Data center.

> The company who give the infrastructure (Data center) in this world it is known as IAAS (Infrastructure as a service ) so somebody giving me the entire infrastructure and they give service on the infrastructure.

> CLOUD COMPUTING - You can think Cloud Computing is something like a term and if i say cloud computing means my app is running somewhere in some other data center and data center is managed by some other service provider like - Amazon , Azure.

> You have to only give the amount one that part you use so it is called PAY-AS-WE-GO.

> Public cloud computing - when I say public cloud computing it means may I have a company but I am not using my data center , i outsource my job to the service provider (like Aws) and they provide data center , this is completely managed by service provide , which service provider you take. they give their infrastructure per hours per monthly basis.

> Some of the great company who will give the private cloud computing service one is the Amazon and they own product for the public is AWS other company Microsoft their product AZURE , Googe has own product GCP (Google Cloud Platform ) .

> In the Cloud Computing world data center is also known as a Availability zones . In india - (mumbai) Amazon has three Availability zones.

> why the launch three data center (Availability zones) why can't one .

== One of the reason is disaster

> There are the top 10 AWS users

> Amazon main office in Virginia in Virginia they have six Availability zones so what is the need to launch data center in india or other country.

= If everybody are from India and if you launch the application in US then all the customer from India for getting the website your network packet always go to US and come back so your network packet goes to the US and come back so it take lot of times this make my website open a lot of time or delay.

Delay is known as latency