Lars and Mary

36th Sovereign and Consort of the Kingdom of Northshield

Their Majesties Lars and Mary stepped down at Northshield Fall Coronation, September 9th 2023

in the Shire of Silfren Mere. (Rochester, MN)

Long Live Northshield!

Third of Their Name

April to September 2023

Being Anno Societatis 57-58


Thank you for visiting the Crown of Northshield.  Northshield is the modern area of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and a part of Canada. Most importantly Northshield is  friendly with all our borders and count many in the Middle, Outlands, Avacal and Calontir as friends. (And many other kingdoms too! We just need to drive farther to see them.)

Lars and Mary have reigned two previous times, both in Northshield.  In the 15 years since their previous reign they had three children who are all happy and active members of the Kingdom. Lars and Mary have had numerous roles within the Kingdom over that time from Kingdom Earl Marshal to Group Seneschal.  Mary is second generation and Lars joined as a teen; both have seen the SCA grow and evolve and are happy to be part of the positive change.

They hope to have a fun reign filled with the pleasure of welcoming back long-standing members as well as helping newcomers experiencing our Society for the first time.