Events of interest

Events of interest to members of NoRME:


CERME (ERME Conferences) is a Congress organised by ERME designed to foster a communicative spirit. It deliberately and distinctively moves away from research presentations by individuals towards collaborative group work. Its main feature is a number of thematic groups whose members will work together in a common research area.
CERME main home page: 


The 13th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) is organised by the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics together with the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and it will take place in Budapest (Hungary), from the 10th to 14th of July, 2023. CERME13 will be preceded by a YERME day for young researchers.
Conference home page:


Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning, SMDF organises a Mathematical Didactic Research Seminar, MADIF, every two years.
SMDF home page: 


The fourteenth research conference of the Swedish society for research in mathematics education take place in Örebro, March 19–20, 2024. The theme of the conference is Mediating mathematics.
MADIF14 home page: 


NORMA is the abbreviation for the Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. The conference offers a forum for the discussions and constructive meetings of researchers, teachers, teacher educators, graduate students and others interested in research on mathematics education in the Nordic context. It is organised in collaboration with NoRME ​- the Nordic Society for Research in Mathematics Education- every three years.


The Tenth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA 24, is hosted by the National Center for Developing Mathematics Teaching (NCUM), and Danish School of Education (DPU) at Aarhus University. The venue for the conference is campus Emdrup, DPU.
The following link points to the conference home page:


NORSMA is the abbreviation for the The Nordic Research network on Special Needs Education in Mathematics. Their interest is about students with mathematical difficulties.
As in the Nordic countries special needs education in mathematics has developed. The 1st NORSMA conference took place in Agder in 2001 and conferences held between NORSMA 1 (2001) to NORSMA 6 (2011) each had an overall theme. From NORSMA7 (2013) held in Aarhus University, the Nordic Network Conferences began at a mature state with presentations in a broad range of themes.  


The eleventh Conference of The Nordic Research network on Special Needs Education in Mathematics (NORSMA 11) will be held in DPU, Copenhagen in November 2023.
The following link points to the conference home page:


PME is an international group of mathematics educators and researchers (IGPME) who gather once a year to share our work and interests at our Annual Conference.
IGPME home page:


44st Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education will be held in Haifa, Israel, from July 16 to 21, 2023.
The link to the conference page is