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Here you can access complete versions of the maps used on the tour! You will also find suggestions for books about the U.S. Domestic Slave Trade, as well as links to the Slover Library and Sargeant Memorial Collection's websites and social media to keep up with the latest information.

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Further Reading

An Intimate Economy: Enslaved Women, Work, and America's Domestic Slave Trade

Written by: Alexandra J. Finley

Cash For Blood: The Baltimore to New Orleans Domestic Slave Trade

Written by: Ralph Clayton

Carry Me Back: The Domestic Slave Trade in American Life

Written by: Steven Deyle

Creole Rebellion: The Most successful Slave Revolt in American History

Written by: Bruce Chadwick

The Richmond Slave Trade: The Economic Backbone of the Old Dominion

Written by: Jack Trammell

Soul By Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave

Written by: Walter Johnson

Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia and the Carolinas

Written by: Sally E. Hadden

"The Underground Railroad Records: Narrating the Hardships, Hairbreadth Escapes, and Death Struggles of Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom" 

Written by: William Stills

Money Over Mastery, Family Over Freedom: Slavery in the Antebellum Upper South

Written by: Calvin Schermerhorn

Slave Narratives from The Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 Virginia

Federal Writers' Project

Slaves for Hire: Renting Enslaved Laborers in Antebellum Virginia

Written by: John J. Zaborney 

A Troublesome Commerce: The Transformation of the Interstate Slave Trade

Written by: Robert H. Gudmestad 

Want to know more?

Visit the Sargeant Memorial Collection and the Slover Library located on Plume Street in Downtown Norfolk or check out the Norfolk Historical Society's website below for upcoming events and programs.