3rt student meeting online


Location: Google classroom (organized by Latvia)

Date: 16-20 November, 2020


The main activities of the mobility will be related to climate changes.

  • Welcome.

  • Short presentation about each international team.

  • Quizziz about climate change.

  • Working in 4 groups, each day a different topic. Each group will have randomize theme for researching.

  • Discussion in groups.

  • Infographics and presentation making.

  • Summary, work presentations, voting.

  • Question & Answer

The teachers from Latvia presented shortly the main goals of the project “GREEN STEAM”. Each school presented themselves. To revise the topic of the project and main ideas Quizziz (related to climate change) was played online.

Students were divided into 4 groups. Each group got a different situation to work on. In each group there was one student from Latvia who presented and explained the task.

Day 1

Students from were talking about environmentally friendly products. Their task was to compare three countries Finland, Lithuania and Latvia while answering the following questions:

- On which eco-friendly products you can see the symbol in your country?

- Who checks the quality of environmental friendliness production in your country?

- How can a manufacturer get the mark in your country?

Day 2

The topic for this day was “The economy of energy”. Students had to discuss the following questions:

- Think about what modern technical solutions can be used to help people save energy in your country?

- How can we save energy and the environment?

- Is energy saving good for the environment?

Day 3

3 types of energy resources like wind turbines, solar panels and natural gas for car fueling used in Finland, Lithuania and Latvia were presented during the third day.

Students had to discuss the following questions:

- What are the environmental impacts of wind turbines?

- Can solar panels contribute to global warming?

- How many solar panels are needed to run a house?

- How you can calculate it?

- Can you put natural gas in a regular car?

- How does natural gas affect the environment?

- Which is better for the environment: natural gas or electricity?

- How many natural gas stations are there in your country?

Day 4

Today the groups were working on different tasks related to 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle). They were listening to the song and answering the given questions.

After that they had to create a mind-map by using all the information they know about 3Rs and search on the internet for information about how their home country reduces, reuses, and recycles. They were comparing situation in Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. All the ideas were put into PPT.

After working in groups students presented the results of their research and discussions to other participants of the workshop. Finally, there was a questions-answers session.

All the participants thanked each other for the workshops.