
Monday March 2nd

Today we had the first day of our Nordplus project “Green STEAM” in Loimaa, Finland. It is the second mobility in this project.

It was full of interesting things and we had good time playing some games, for example, we had to remember the name of the person that was throwing a ball of thread to us and then we had to throw this ball back and say the name of the person.

We had presentations about participating countries, cities and schools.

After that we had a Finnish lesson, where we could learn some words and phrases that would be pretty useful, for sure.

And we think that the last thing that we had on our plan was the most interesting, we had a city orientation where we had to do some tasks and take photos.

After then we had free time.

So as it was mentioned in the beginning, the first day was very interesting.

We met new people, became friends and learned some Finnish words and phrases.

Jana Morozjuka

Tuesday March 3rd

The morning time was spent in school:

We attended classes with our hosts- biology, Finnish, Swedish, English,

economics, chemistry.

Then we were divided into 6 groups for an economics game- the “The Circular Economy and Entrepreneurship Game” (an economic game which was oriented on improving global skills- collaboration, creativity, critical thinking through making a business plan for re-using resources. After that we presented our idea to all participants. In the afternoon, we split into 2 groups and visited the Vallox Ventilation System Plant, which produces 30,000 ventilation systems a year and ships them worldwide.

We also took first steps in creating models for a 3D printer (we created 3D key chains with our names).

At the end of the day, we were offered to relax and went to bowling. This day was full of meaningful and useful activities, new information and positive emotions.

Aleksandra Kravčenko

Wednesday March 4th

Today is the third day of the project “Green STEAM”.

The day began with making a presentation at school and the topic was - healthy food. Then we went to the forest and created art objects.

After lunch, we went to Myssy farm and there we had a presentation about their products-"beanies" and how they differ from others- firstly it is handmade, secondly- made from quality - grown in Finland - wool. After that, we went to the Agriculture Museum. We were told how people produced food in the past and what tools they used.

Everything was very pleasant, cool and interesting, everyone who visited this tour learned a lot of new things.

Later, our exciting tour ended and we went to make knives out of wood, we were explained how to make them, how to do everything neatly and beautifully. Each of us was able to make our own knife out of wood! No one expected this and everyone was happy that they now have a knife made of wood with their own picture on it The trip ended and everyone liked it.

Konstantīns Kolonickis/ Daniels Šuneiko/ Jana Morozjuka

Thursday March 5th

Day of well-being at school

The fourth day of the project “Green STEAM” began with a training lecture on drug use and the consequences in Finnish.

Then we had a warm-up in the gym at 10:00, we all lay on mats, on our stomachs and listened to quiet music.

After warm-up, we went to learn how to play ukulele. We really liked it, because many of us hadn’t played the guitar before. Ukulele is very popular in Finland, every school in Loimaa have special lessons where they learn how to play on it. We also had art class. We painted on cardboard everything what occurred to us.

Also during this day we had a lecture about healthy eating, but the problem was that we were told it in Finnish. Our Finnish friends were so kind to translate everything to us and it was interesting.

In the afternoon we had lessons of self-defense. We learned some different things thanks to which we can well defend ourselves.

Teachers visited a newly renovated school in Riihikoski, Pöytyä and were inpressed of the lightness and well designed spaces!

Friday March 6th

Today was our last day in this amazing country!

At 10 am we all met near the school to go to another city- one of the largest cities in Finland, called Turku. There we had a presentation at the university of Turku, where we learned in details about what food chemistry is and how Flavoria company works. As a result, we found out that the Flavoria is a multidisciplinary research platform for producing new scientific knowledge and consumer understanding for the sustainable development of the society and businesses.

So, when people eat there, they can have detailed information about each dish.

We were told in general about this University, what faculties there are, what they do there, how they create their new interesting projects, from which they and other people benefit.

After these two presentations, we went to try out these new technologies. It was new and interesting.

Afterwards we visited the Turku Cathedral and historical centre. It was so pleasant.

And the last activity of the day was volleyball match- a matu between local team Loimaa Hurrikaani and Valepa, Sastamala. Everyone liked it.

Well, in conclusion we would like to say that it was a cool week. We met new interesting people, we have gained new knowledge and got a lot of different emotions. Thanks to everyone for this amazing week.

Veronika Kalnina