
Welcome to NordiCrypt, a group for "IACR-style" cryptographers created by researchers from Technical University of Denmark (DTU), IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) and Aarhus University (AU), to promote joint networking activities for researchers in Denmark and the rest of Northern Europe.

NordiCrypt is an initiative born in the larger context of DIREC, a center for collaboration in computer science between all CS departments in Denmark.

NordiCrypt will organize one-day meetups in Denmark approximately every 3-6 months.

The meetups are open to researchers from neighbouring fields, as well as neighboring countries.



(Only faculties are listed here. Refer to the homepages of the individual research groups for PhD students and postdocs).

DTU (Technical University of Denmark)

ITU (IT University of Copenhagen)

SDU (University of Southern Denmark)

AU (Aarhus University)


If you want to stay updated - we have a mailing list! 

NordiCrypt on Google Groups: https://groups.google.com/g/nordicrypt/

(You should also be able to sign up by sending an email to nordicrypt+subscribe@googlegroups.com)

Friends of NordiCrypt

(Events not organized by us that could be of interest of the NordiCrypt target audience)