NordiCrypt Summer 2024

Friday July 5th at Aarhus University


Time: On Friday July 5th we will hold the 5th NordiCrypt meetup at Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University.  

Venue: Talks will be held in INCUBA, Lille Auditorium, Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus N.  

Catering: Lunch and catering for the coffee breaks will be served on the first floor in the INCUBA building in the space called "Drivhuset" (- the space facing Åbogade). 

Dinner: In the evening we will meet for dinner at Restaurant Food Club, Åboulevarden 30, 8000 Aarhus C.  We kindly ask everyone to pay for their own meal and drinks. Please see below for further details. 

Support: We have limited support available for workshop attendance. The support can be used for travel expenses and/or expenses for dinner. Priority will be given to students who have little other funding (i.e. from institutions without access to travel funds). If you would like to be considered, please send an email to   


Registration for NordiCrypt Summer 2024 has closed! Deadline was Friday June 28! Registration is free of charge and catering for lunch and coffee breaks is included. 

For late registrations, please send an email to   


NordiCrypt Summer 2024 Schedule FINAL


Time:  We meet at 19.15

Place: Restaurant Food Club, Åboulevarden 30, 8000 Aarhus C.  

Menu: The restaurant has a fixed buffet style menu that includes drinks for a fixed price of  355 DKK per person for 1,5 hours. If you would like to stay longer than 1,5 hours, this should be possible for additional 50 DKK per extra 30 minutes. We will inform the restaurant about dietary restrictions.

Payment: We kindly ask everyone to pay for their own meal and drinks and to transfer the relevant amount to Mobilepay Box 24568. The restaurant does not accept individual payments and so we will take care of the payments at the restaurant. 

Support: We have limited support available for workshop attendance. The support can be used for travel expenses and/or expenses for dinner. Priority will be given to students who have little other funding (i.e. from institutions without access to travel funds). If you would like to be considered, please send an email to