the Nordic Faulkner Studies Network
~Our Misson~
To connect Faulkner scholars living and working in Nordic countries, as well as other scholars across the globe researching Faulkner in relation to Nordic literatures, cultures, and histories.
jenna grace sciuto
Jenna Grace Sciuto is Associate Professor of English at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. Her first book, Policing Intimacy: Law, Sexuality, and the Color Line in Twentieth-Century Hemispheric American Literature, was published by the University Press of Mississippi in 2021. Her work has appeared in ARIEL, The Global South, The Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies, Faulkner and the Black Literatures of the Americas (University Press of Mississippi, 2016), and Southern Comforts: Drinking and the US South (Louisiana State University Press, 2020), and she has a chapter forthcoming in The Cambridge Companion to New Faulkner Studies (Cambridge UP). Jenna has been named a 2021-2022 American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellow and a 2021 Northeast Modern Language Association Summer Fellow. She is currently at work on her second book, Peripheralized Norths and Souths: Representations of Belonging and Colonial Liminality in US Southern and Icelandic Literatures, under contract with the University Press of Mississippi.
haukur ingvarsson
Haukur Ingvarsson is a writer and an editor of the journal Skírnir. He is the author of the books Representing the Best in American Culture: William Faulkner’s Reputation in Iceland 1930—1960, published by the Icelandic Historical Society (Sögufélag, 2021), and The Late Novels of Halldór Laxness, published by The Icelandic Literary Society (Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2009).* Ingvarsson defended his doctoral thesis on the reception of William Faulkner from the University of Iceland in 2020 and has published peer-reviewed articles on Icelandic literature, the cultural cold war, and transatlantic cultural relations.
Ingvarsson is also a novelist and poet. His work has been translated and published in various languages. In 2018 he won the prestigious Tomas Gudmundsson literary price for the poetry collection Vistarverur/Ecostentialism.
*Original Icelandic titles Fulltrúi þess besta í bandarískri menningu: Orðspor Williams Faulkners í íslensku menningarlífi 1930—1960 and Andlitsdrættir samtíðarinnar: Síðustu skáldsögur Halldórs Laxness.
Web intern
Egypt Benjamin
Egypt Benjamin is a current student attending Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, with a major in English and a minor in Ethnic Studies. She is excited to continue doing research to change the narratives formed to disregard the Black experience within the U.S. and the world, past and present.