From their website it looks like you can only install their latest version. And I assume the installation of nomachine from Ubuntu is also done by adding their PPA and not through the Ubuntu repositories.

Possible trick: use wget to pull their website and check if there are old DEBs on their system. I have not been able to find nomachine_6.0.66_2_amd64.deb (yet) though. If someone can find that it might be possible to download a nomachine_5.7.*_*_amd64.deb and install that using dpkg.

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Since version 4 was released, new authentication options have been implemented in order to offer the most flexible and most secure integration with existing configurations available on the server host.

Dropping support for the 'NoMachine login' affects all servers using such method regardless of the version. It also means that compatibility with legacy version 3.5 is no longer available. Thus, any NoMachine Server version 6 or later will not accept connections from client version 3.x, and client version 6 or later will not offer the option to enable the 'NoMachine login' method.

After Updating from version 21.3.1 XFCE to 21.3.3 XFCE my noMachine client stopped working. Does anyone know what changed between those versions? Reverting back to 21.3.1 XFCE fixed my issue with noMachine.

When I connect to Debian Linux, keyboard behaves as if CTRL has been pressed before I've connected. I have to press it each time I connect to make my mouse and keyboard work the right way. Is there any trick to fix this NoMachine issue? My Linux version is the following:

If you are an organization using Chocolatey, we want your experience to be fully reliable. Due to the nature of this publicly offered repository, reliability cannot be guaranteed. Packages offered here are subject to distribution rights, which means they may need to reach out further to the internet to the official locations to download files at runtime.

Fortunately, distribution rights do not apply for internal use. With any edition of Chocolatey (including the free open source edition), you can host your own packages and cache or internalize existing community packages.

NoMachine is a remote-control tool, available for multiple platforms (Windows,

Linux, Android, ...) which is easy to install and use. This version, that exists

alongside paid Enterprise edition, is free to use.

> Travel from your desktop to any NoMachine-enabled computer at the speed of light.

> Thanks to our NX technology, NoMachine is the fastest and highest quality remote

> desktop you have ever tried. In just a few clicks you can reach any computer

> in the world and start working on it as if it was right in front of you.

In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).

The installation might fail when an update is attempted on a device with an older version of NoMachine using a ConfigMgr base application or an IntuneApp.

If the older version of NoMachine is the free version and not the Enterprise version, then the install will fail.

The installation will fail with Exit Code 1.

A remote Unix Desktop is used for accessing experimental and computational resources at SSRL. This is a client/server application, where the free client is installed on the user's computer and SSRL is running the server part. With the client installed, the remote user will be able to run all command line and X-Window based applications available at the macromolecular crystallography beam lines. The server end performs the bulk of the computational work and the client require minimal CPU and memory resources. Bandwidth requirments are modest, even a dialup connection is sufficient for running the data collection.

The remote desktop software is called NoMachine Terminal Server and is a product of NoMachine . By using this software, we can provide the same computing environment remotely at your desk, as you would find locally at the crystallography beamline workstation. That includes access to the data processing servers with all crystallography software and the beamline control software (Blu-Ice).

Clients for the NoMachine software are available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. There are also versions available for iOS and Android tablets. However, their usefulness for traditional X11 based applications may not be that great.

Note that the default product offered when you visit NoMachine's web site is the free personal server product. It is a package of both the client and a single user remote desktop server. The client will work fine with SSRL's server. If you only want the client, it is available as the "NoMachine Enterprise Client" and can be found on the Enterprise Products Evaluation download page.

While the NX remote desktop has been working very well for both staff and users over the years, problems now and then show up. Here is a list of issues that we have come across and managed to find solutions to.

By far the most important advice is to keep the NX Client up to date. NoMachine normally updates the NX Client packages several times a year. These updates usually fix real bugs and adds some features. If you have trouble with the NX Client, please check that you are running the latest version.

If you upgrade from version 3 to version 4 or 5 of the NoMachine Client, you can't use your old configuration files. The config files are in a folder named .nx in your home folder. Just delete or rename that folder before starting the new NoMachine client.

This will open a remote terminal on your local desktop from which you can type the name of the application you want to launch. For example, you can type "xterm&" or "gnome-terminal" to open additional terminals or "emacs&" to open the emacs editor.

When you disconnect and reconnect to NoMachine, these terminals and applications will remain in the state you left them in. If you would like to log out completely from your session, you can select the option "terminate".

One of the common uses of this feature is to display the EPICS process variable (PV) names associated with widgets on EDM-based operator screens. Once these preferences are set then Option-Click displays the PV name upon release of the click (it is not displayed when still depressed) - and puts it into the cut-and-paste buffer.

Sometimes users will find that they are unable to reconnect to an existing session, and are shown only a blank screen. We do not yet understand this issue, so our solution is to terminate the user's existing sessions, and kill all the user's running processes on the NoMachine server. The easiest way for the users to deal with this is to send a note to and we will remove all old sessions and process.

If you are not able to resume a NX Connection and you typically connect from multiple computers, be sure to use similar version of NoMachine client where you initiate the connection from. To check for NoMachine version, after you have launch NoMachine client, go to Preferences on top, then click on Updates, it will show you the version that you are running NoMachine on.

If your display is broken with mainly a green screen, it could be a hardware decoding issue. Click on "Display" button on NoMachine (shown below). Then click "Change settings" and turn on "Disable client side hardware decoding".

If Ctrl-C (Ctrl-break) does not work on the Linux client, hit the Alt-Ctrl-C (Use it in proper sequence so hold down the key one at a time). WindowsKey-Ctrl-C, or turn on Caps Lock and hit Ctrl-C will also work.

Until version 3.x, NoMachine was known as NX and available under GPL. There are derivatives based on core NX libraries like FreeNX and X2Go. The major drawback of these is that they utilise a built-in X server of nxagent, which originates from the year 2005 and some current X applications cannot run due to unsupported features available only in newer versions of X libraries.

The free edition allows to connect to an existing X display (also known as display shadowing of a live session with a physical display) or, if no X display is available (e.g. on head-less machines), NoMachine tries to start its own X server with the default Desktop environment automatically. The major limitation of the free edition is that only a single remote desktop session may run on the server.

It includes both server and client tar balls. Note that the setup actually takes place by a post-installation script and therefore the list of files shown by command pacman -Ql nomachine is not complete!

On the target computer, start/enable nxserver.service via systemd, or via menu in your desktop: Internet > NoMachine > NoMachine Service, which does the same via a GUI and offers extra info and configuration.

It will search the LAN for available NoMachine servers or, if disabled or in a different subnet/WAN, you can type in the target hostname or IP address manually. The login credentials are the same as used for the user on the target computer.

In default setup, the Free edition of NoMachine connects the client directly to an existing X session on the remote computer, even if it runs the X Display Manager only. This may be unwanted, because no other user may use the target computer locally at the same moment and because any person with physical access to the target computer can see on the physical display, what the remotely connected user is doing.

However, it is possible to setup NoMachine to check only for a particular DISPLAY, e.g. DISPLAY :10 and it will ignore the existing X session on DISPLAY :0 (standard setup in Arch Linux) and start a new virtual session for the remotely connecting user.

When NoMachine connects to the display manager on the target computer and the user tries to login as if sitting at the target computer, the user authentication may fail due to a different keymap. A workaround is to type the user's password e.g. in a text editor and copy it via clipboard to the NoMachine session. 152ee80cbc

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